Chapter 17: Sometimes You Gotta Learn to Love What's Good For You

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Following work, I went over to hang out and have dinner with Ellis. I really was not in the mood for another night of sitting in my apartment all by myself. I approached his apartment building which was only a few blocks away from mine as I was lost in thought about Ellis and how he was standing firmly by my side during this time, while the father of my child was not.

The words of Charlie Swan immediately came to my mind. I was a gigantic Twilight fan in high school and always thought Charlie Swan was the most underrated fiction father in history, he loved Bella so much and was always there for her. Make fun of me all you want, the books were not bad at all and the movies weren't that cringy. Though, Charlie Swan's words from the New Moon movie were ringing in my head. In the scene where he was talking to Bella when she was getting closer to Jacob Black. Charlie definitely was a Team Jacob fan.

"Sometimes you gotta learn to love what's good for you."

Maybe Charlie Swan was right. Maybe in New Moon Bella should have learned to love Jacob Black, and maybe I need to learn to love Ellis. Though, if Bella learned to love Jacob, then we would have never gotten Eclipse or Breaking Dawn, and if I learn to love Ellis what things in life could I be missing out on?

Edward had left Bella in New Moon, and Justin had left me right after finding out about our child. Though, we were never a couple to begin with, just one time lovers. Maybe I just had more learning to do. This was no epic love triangle written out into four books between a vampire and a werewolf. This was real life, this was my reality. I was entering into a world of single motherhood with an unresponsive baby daddy and a best friend who was desperately in love with me and willing to wait until I was ready. I'd like to think if this was some kind of fiction playing out in a movie theater, a lot of people would be holding out for me to fall in love with my best friend... that was always how perfect love stories played out, wasn't it? If only real life and real romantic relationships were as easy and as obvious as they were in books and movies.

I finally made it to Ellis's apartment door and knocked on it gently. Within seconds the door flew open and Ellis was greeting me with the biggest grin that spread from ear to ear on his face.


He engulfed me into a hug. I smiled, a genuine smile which I had not had at all today, and wrapped my arms around him to return the hug.

"Hey Ellis," I smiled as he released me and we both walked into his apartment.

"How are you doing, baby mama?" He ushered me into his kitchen as I took a seat at the table and he headed over to the refrigerator.

I bit my lip, "I'm hanging in there..." I trailed off.

Ellis turned and shot me a frown before turning back to the refrigerator and pulling out some vegetables. "Just hanging in there?" He asked. "What is wrong, buttercup?"

I sighed, "I told the father of the baby last night. He showed up at my apartment unexpectedly and it just kind of came out. It wasn't how I planned at all and it was not very smooth, no warm and fuzzy feelings at all."

"Is that really how you expected it to go anyways?" Ellis kicked the refrigerator door closed with his foot as he moved over to his counter and pulled out a cutting board from one of the lower cabinets.

"I don't know how I really expected it to turn out," I shrugged. "I feared that he was going to take it badly and that he would run out and leave me, and low and behold... that's exactly what happened."

Ellis turned to me with his jaw practically on the floor, "He just left you right after you told him?" Shock and disappointment were both laced in his tone.

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