Chapter 22: I Realized I Was So In Love

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The following morning I woke up, still not entirely convinced that what I experienced last night was even real. Justin was going to be taking responsibility? He was going to be acting like the father that he is and no longer ignoring our child? It felt like this was day would never come, but I was so excited that it finally was.

I got ready for the day, we were starting the day with my ultrasound, then I would go into work after my doctor's appointment. How would Justin explain that he would also be late to work today but conveniently be in the office at the exact same time? I guess that would be his problem. 

I dressed in one of my favorite outfits today, I was so excited for this ultrasound. I wore a black dress that hugged my curves. I turned to look at myself sideways in the mirror. I cradled my stomach. I could have sworn there was the tiniest of tiny bumps poking out. It wasn't something you would think could possibly be the beginning stages of a baby bump unless you knew that I was pregnant. Though, it could also just be bloating from all the Chinese food I ate the night before. I small smile spread across my lips as I rubbed my hands over the tiny bump. I decided I was going to tell myself that this was my baby, not bloating. 

"Hey you in there," I whispered as I stared at the bump in the mirror, grinning like an idiot at myself in the mirror. But I enjoyed this little pocket of positivity for my morning. I had spent so many of the past days crying and feeling sorry for myself, it was nice to have this tiny little moment of peace with my tiny little baby bump.

I grabbed a jacket to go over my dress and walked out my apartment door, as I walked downstairs Justin was conveniently walking into my apartment building.

"What are you doing here?" I greeted him as we walked over to each other.

He shrugged with a smile, "I figured we would go to the doctor's appointment together."

"Saving gas? Car pooling?" I laughed.

He chuckled, "Well, you and I will probably be attending many appointments together over the next eighteen years or so... so here's to the first one."

A lump formed in my throat, but this time it was happy tears. Damn these pregnancy hormones. I cleared my throat, forcing the lump to go back down and blinked away tears, "Here's to the first one," I agreed as Justin ushered me out of the building and to his car. He opened the door for me like a gentleman and closed it behind me before running over to the driver's side. I don't know what changed or why over the pat few days, but I just felt so much relief that Justin was deciding to take an active role now in our baby's life.


About fifteen minutes later, Justin pulled into the parking lot of the OB/GYN. 

"Are you nervous?" He asked, shutting the car off. Neither of us dared leave the door car yet, we just sat unsure how to proceed.

"Yes," I admitted, immediately the second nature motion of putting my hand to my stomach kicked in. This seemed to become a signature move of mine anytime I got nervous since I had found out I was pregnant. "I think I will be nervous until I hear the heartbeat."

"Let's hope there is not more than one heartbeat," Justin cracked a smirk at his own joke.

My eyes widened at the possibility that there could multiple babies. I had never even considered it. Twins? Triplets? I think I would fall off the bed.

"Someone would have to revive me right there on the table," I laughed. "I don't think my hoohaw can take pushing out more than one human. This is not some kind of clown car," I motioned to my lower regions. This caused Justin to burst into a fit of giggles.

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