Chapter 14: You Had That New Mom Glow

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I sat on the floor of the bathroom at work really considering all my choices in life that head lead me up to this point. Here I was handling the biggest client I have ever had in my entire life, and I was wasting a meeting by throwing up everything in my stomach in the bathroom.

After I felt myself begin to come back to normal I went to the sink and began to fix myself up to make a reappearance. I straightened my hair, combing my fingers through the tangles. I cupped water into my hands and washed my mouth out with it in desperate attempts to get rid of the after taste of vomit. My mind still racing back to Christiana, how did she know? I hadn't told a single soul. The only person who knew was Dr. Clover, so there's no way anyone could have told her.

I cleared my throat, straightened my shoulders and walked back into the room. Christiana was sitting alone, Claudia and Justin had disappeared.

"Oh, I didn't mean to have a total interruption of the meeting," I apologized. "Where did everyone go?" I asked.

Christiana looked up at me from her phone she was scrolling on. "Claudia stepped out, she also works as a publicist for this radio talk show host and needed to go meet with him, so I let her off for this meeting. Justin excused himself to his office, he said he needed a minute. Honestly, he looked like he was going to puke... you guys have some kind of stomach virus going on around here?" She winked at me playfully.

I nodded, "Yeah, guess so... crazy..." I bit my lip.

"Oh, stop bullshitting me," Christiana rolled her eyes playfully, "Sit down, I have so many questions."

I sat directly across from her and gulped. "How did you know?"I lowered my voice.

A large grin spread across her sheet, "Yes, I knew it!" She shouted. "Honey, pregnancy was written all over your face! You had that new mom glow!"

"Shhh!" I held my hand up. She giggled and lowered her body language so we were leaning into have a quiet conversation. "I literally have not told a single soul," I explained in a whisper.

"So I'm like the first person to know?" Christiana giggled, "That's so exciting! I even know before your baby daddy?"

I frowned and looked down at my fingers. "Well-"

"Oh my God," Christiana cut me off. "You are scared to tell your baby daddy, aren't you?"

I looked up at her and just nodded silently, biting down on my lower lip as anxiety was riddled through my bones.

Christiana's eyes softened, "He's going to need to know soon, sweetie." She spoke to me almost as a protective mother and I was her heartbroken daughter on some lousy late night family sitcom on televion.

"I know," I huffed. "I just don't know how to tell him."

"Who is he?" Christiana asked.

I looked over to where Justin's notes and laptop still were sitting, then I looked back up at Christiana.

"Oh come on..." She smiled, "You can tell me, it's not like I'll even know the guy and will go tell him. I just want to know more about your baby daddy... I always love some good gossip."

I looked over at Justin's notes again, then back at her. For some reason I didn't want to admit it out loud, scared maybe he would hear even though he wasn't even in the room.

Realization hit Christiana like a ton of bricks. Her eyes widened, her jaw dropped, and she put both her hands up in the air.

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