Chapter 26: Tyrant of A Boss

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I stood in the lobby with one of my clients around 10:30. He had popped in after a phone call to quickly give me some evidence he had of his husband cheating on him with their surrogate mother. Talk about a twisted situation. You trust a woman to carry your baby for you when you and your husband obviously cannot carry one yourselves, and instead she goes and steals your husband right out from underneath you. The two then were trying to be a couple and keep the baby, but we were fighting hard for sole custody with no visitation from the soon-to-be ex or the surrogate, who was due to give birth any day now.

As my client was headed out of the building, I could hear Gianna talking on her cell phone. She seemed distraught.

"Girl I know," She appeared to be speaking with a friend. "I really thought he and I were going to be in a relationship by Christmas," She whined. "I invited him to lunch today, and he told me he has a girlfriend now and we can only have a professional relationship from here on out."

I couldn't hide the large grin that spread on my lips, Justin had put Gianna in her place and told her to back off like I wished I could. That is why he was talking to her so quietly, he was a gentleman and did not want to embarrass her. However, Gianna reliving the whole conversation loudly on the phone in the lobby was now just embarrassing herself.

"I have no idea who the girlfriend is," Gianna answered the person on the other line. "I have some suspicions, of course."

I walked out of the lobby, not wanting to listen to Gianna's guessing games. She'd find out soon enough with everyone else.

Justin appeared out of his office and saw me walking down the hall, "Just the person I wanted to see. We should discuss our meeting," He looked at his watch, "Happening in twenty minutes."

I nodded and followed him into his office. He shut the door then whipped me around against the wall, a large smile present on his lips as he had me cornered. He leaned down and gave me a big kiss before backing off.

"You can't have sex with me in this office right before we meet with Jason."

Justin laughed, "I mean if he fires us both this is my only opportunity," He played along. He leaned against his desk as I sat down on one of the chairs he had out for clients.

"So how are we going to tell him?" I asked.

"I think our best approach is just be blunt about it," Justin shrugged. "And maybe an attitude of indifference."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

Just sat down next to me. "We just present the situation as it is. We say 'Hey Jason! We both fucked each other once after getting drunk, she got pregnant. We have now realized within this situation that we are hopelessly in love with each other. So now you have two attorneys who are dating one another, and have a baby on the way. So in about nine months we are going to need to take maternity and paternity leave at the exact same time. Thanks!' you know, something like that."
I couldn't held but laugh a little, "I do not think that approach will go over well."

"Then what is your suggestion, baby mama?"

I thought for a minute before answering, unsure myself what the best ay to break the news is. "I agree there should be some sort of bluntness in telling him the situation of hey we were out together, had a few too many drinks, and many unexpected things happened after. So now we are officially dating and we do have a baby on the way." I leaned back. "So you know, a lot like yours, but maybe not quite as many details?"

Justin wrapped his arms around mine, "I guess your plan is better than mine."

At 11 AM on the dot, Justin and I both walked into Jason's office. Jason was typing away at his computer, but looked up at us when we walked in.

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