Chapter 12: No Time To Save Myself

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The next morning, I sat at my kitchen table with my laptop open. Dr. Clover had arranged to do a follow up visit over webchat to discuss whatever I decided to do and how I would proceed. I still just couldn't believe I was pregnant and soon going to be a mother. I was going to be responsible for someone else's life.

I waited anxiously in the virtual waiting room, I still had another five minutes before my appointment time but I wanted to be here early just in case something on the technical side of things went wrong and it took me a long time to connect. I sipped a cold glass of milk to try to ease my nerves, it definitely wasn't as soothing as a warm cup of coffee, but all the Google articles I looked up last night told me that I really shouldn't be drinking coffee while I was pregnant due to the caffeine. 

Mona rubbed up against my legs in a comforting manner. They always say cats were very in tune to emotions, so I bet she could sense all of my stress and anxiety that was pouring out of all my pores. 

I bent down and rubbed against her side, "Thanks Mona," I scooped her up into my lap and continued to pet her as she purred loudly and rubbed her nose against my stomach.

"Do you sense an intruder?" I asked as her stare seemed focused on my belly, almost like she knew someone was there.

I bit my lip, "Or I guess I should say friend... the baby is a friend, not an intruder." Was I trying to convince Mona of that, or convince myself that this baby was not going to ruin my life. Maybe this baby would improve my life in ways I never knew. I always wanted to be a mother, I just never planned it would be like this.


I popped up at the sound of my name, looking at the computer screen to now see Dr. Clover smiling back at me. She was sitting in a bright room, dressed in her doctor's coat with a stethoscope around her neck, looking like your traditional doctor stereotype. 

"Hi Dr. Clover," I greeted as Mona hopped off of my lap and headed off to eat out of her food bowl.

She flashed her bright whites to me in a large grin, "You look like you are doing well this morning, how are you feeling?"

"Nauseous," I frowned. 

Dr. Clover giggled, "With all three of my pregnancies I was extremely sick in the first trimester, so I understand your situation completely."

"Anything I can do to help ease it?" I asked.

She nodded, "Let's start you with over the counter stuff first, I recommend vitamin B6 and ginger, if neither of those help after a day or two just give me a call and we will call something into your pharmacy."

I nodded, approving of the plan and creating a note in my phone to be sure to pick these up on my way to work. 

"So, I have your lab results back," Dr. Clover appeared to be clicking through tabs on her computer as I could hear the click of her mouse a few times in a row.

My heartbeat sped up, why was I nervous for these? "Oh boy, that's... nauseating."

Dr. Clover let out a full belly laugh, "I think everything is nauseating to your right now."

"You got me there," I let out a small laugh.

"Sorry, Alissa, just give me one second I'm trying to find which tab I had your lab results on. I don't know why I always have eight thousand different tabs open. This is truly my biggest character flaw." Dr. Clover seemed annoyed with herself.

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