Chapter 3: I Propose We Never Speak of This Again

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After our first meeting with Christiana, I was feeling great. We didn't get too much into detail about the divorce yet, for the most part she wanted to get to know more about Justin and I. She took the questionnaire I had home with her, promising to fill it out and bring it to our next meeting which would be at the end of the week. As expected, she did make Justin and I sign a nondisclosure agreement promising not to tell friends, family, or coworkers about her divorce. She didn't want to make it public yet and Justin and I both knew better than to go running our mouths anyways.

"I would say we did pretty good," Justin smiled as Christiana and Claudia walked out of the office spaced, we waved to them as the elevator doors shut behind them.

I nodded, crossing my arms over my chest, "This is definitely one of the highest profiles I have ever done. Honestly, I'm a little nervous."

"Don't be, we'll crush it... partner."

I laughed and turned to face him, "Partner? So, are we thinking this may work out between the two of us now?"
He shrugged, "I mean, it's definitely going to be weird," He turned and began walking to his office. "But, for Christiana's sake we'll make it work. Have a good evening, Alissa."

I nodded as he vanished into his office, "You too... Justin."


After work I had gone home and changed into more casual clothes, a pair of warn jeans that I had owned since freshman year of college and a simple striped t-shirt. After sitting on the couch with my cat, Mona, for half an hour I decided I was ready to eat. It had begun raining right when I got home from work, so I quickly grabbed my black rain coat before heading outside of my two bedroom apartment. Thankfully, we had a pizza shop right across the street that was basically calling my name.

I quickly hurried across the street, walking fast to avoid the rain and into the shop. Once inside, I made my way up to the counter and waited in line, swiping through my phone to preoccupy myself.


I looked up at the sound of my name, my eyes searching around the room before I locked eyes with a familiar pair of dark brown eyes - Tom. My heart dropped all the way into my stomach as a gasp came out of my mouth.

"Uh... hi, Tom," I cleared my throat, sounding just as uncomfortable as I felt as my eyes dropped to the floor briefly before peaking back up. That's when I turned and noticed the beautiful woman standing beside her. Her dark skin glowed, her curly hair perfectly framing her face. The large ring on her left hand sparkled under the lights. She was gorgeous and I hated her for it. Her swollen stomach made me want to vomit. That should be my husband and that should be my baby.

I could see Tom smirking, obviously noting my sad puppy dog eyes staring at his wife, "You've met, Gwen, haven't you?" He placed an arm on the woman's lower back. as she smiled.

"Briefly... in my own bed, if I recall," I narrowed my eyes at her.

Gwen laughed, I could tell she was obviously feeling uncomfortable. "Yeah... not exactly the best first impression."

"It's hard to have any kind of good first impression with the woman that is sleeping with your husband, right?"
"I guess..." Gwen's smile immediately faded into a frown. "Listen, I really don't want you to think that I am that type of girl. I'm really not, it was a one time thing."

"A one time thing that broke up an entire marriage?" I challenged.

Tom sighed, "It's been two years, Alissa. I would appreciate it if you didn't disrespect my wife."
"If only you had felt that way about your first wife," I rolled my eyes.

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