Chapter 13: Literal Worst Nightmare

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I was doubled over, face-to-face with my own vomit. Gianna's loud gasp was audible from down the hallway and Justin was frozen like a deer in headlights.

This was my literal worst nightmare...

Suddenly, Justin seemed to pull himself out of his frozen state as he noticed I was beginning to crumble towards the floor. He quickly scooped me up and carried me bridal style.

"It's okay, baby, I got you," He whispered into my ear.

...Did he just call me baby?

"Gianna, can you please call the building janitor to come clean this as soon as possible and clear Alissa's schedule for the day. I think we can all agree she should not be meeting with clients today. Christiana Love is already here and waiting so we'll figure out what to do with her and hopefully Alissa can still join us, but please call all her other clients and have them reschedule, you can tell them Alissa is not feeling well if they try to fight you back, put them into her voicemail if they have any questions and assure she'll call them back as soon as she is feeling up to it."

Oh no... Christiana Love is here? How did I forget we had a meeting with her today? I guess blame the baby brain...

"Yes, Mr. Collins, I'll get to all of that right away," She chirped back before I could hear her began pressing away at the buttons on her phone. Justin turned and walked me into his office and kicked the door closed behind us. He sat me down on his desk and leaned down so we were face to face.

"Alissa, what the hell just happened in the hallway?" Justin asked.

I'm pregnant with your child and have been suffering from morning sickness all morning, so I vomited all over your nice, leather shoes... "I think I ate something bad for breakfast," I lied. Food poisoning was always a good back up lie because there is no proof to test if you actually have it or not.

"I'll say you definitely did," Justin chuckled and looked down at his shoes. "You're very lucky I keep extra clothes in here just in case, I am prone to spilling coffee on myself." Justin turned and opened up a closet which had a couple different jackets and shirts in it. He leaned down towards the bottom and picked up a pair of shoes. He kicked off the vomit-covered shoes and quickly replaced them with the new ones. "And you're lucky I got take out this morning." He smirked as he walked to a plastic bag on his desk and quickly slid his old shoes into it and put that towards the side of the room.

I nodded, still trying to recompose myself from the exhaustion of vomiting and the embarrassment of doing it in front of my baby daddy, though unknown to him, and his slutty receptionist who wants to bang him. "Do you want me to pay for cleaning your shoes? I would be happy too, since that was my fault... I'm so sorry."

"Alissa, don't be ridiculous. They're just shoes, I'm not mad at you." Justin came back in front of me, placing a arm on either side of me and leaning in, I was almost worried he was going to kiss me.

"Though I have to say, you really look awful," Justin frowned, a crease forming between his eyebrows that seemed incredibly attractive for some reason.

I rolled my eyes, "Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself today either." I joked against his insult, even though it came from a place of concern.

"You know that's not what I meant," He pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear. "Are you sure it's just something you ate? You almost look a shade of green and your eyes look exhausted."

"Throwing up is a lot of exhausting work," I answered. "Then being pestered by your coworker doesn't help," I teased.

Justin smirked, "Don't lie to me. I've known you for a while now and can see right through you. There's something that you are not telling me."

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