Chapter 23: One Step Forward And Three Steps Back

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The rest of the appointment went well. When the ultrasound was finished, Justin and I were moved to a normal exam room where we met with my OB who went over the ultrasound. We discuss anything too serious, more kind of what foods I need to watch, what I can expect throughout pregnancy, and what symptoms I should look out for that could be harmful to the baby so should call after. We scheduled my next visit which would be in four weeks when I'm twelve weeks.

"Do you want me to drive you to work or back home so you can get your car, babe??" Justin asked as we walked out of the doctor's office.

Babe... I shivered, but a good form of shiver.

"We can go together as long as you're okay driving me home at the end of the day."

Justin nodded, "That's fine. We both have that meeting with Christiana at four anyways, I'll drive you home after."

Justin and I walked over to his car. He went over to the passenger side and opened the door for me. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I slid into the car and thanked him. He shut the door and jogged over to the other side and got in. He peeled out of the parking lot and started driving towards our law firm.

"Do you have a busy day today?" I asked, making smalltalk.

He shrugged, "Can't say it's busier than normal. I have to prep this one guy for his divorce hearing next week and he's the super anxious type, so I'm sure that will take a while."

I nodded, "Yeah, I bet it."

"What about you?" He asked.

"I have a phone meeting with one client in an hour, then I just have a bunch of stuff I need to prepare for upcoming litigation stuff, you know... the usual," I laughed.

Justin smiled and reached out hand out to me, placing it on my thigh as he used his other hand to drive.

My heartbeat sped up just at his touch. Yesterday I wouldn't have even imagined looking him in the eyes, now I was thinking I was in love with him... I was rushing into things. He had whatever he had with Gianna, and I had whatever I had with Ellis.

But Justin and I would always have our little peanut... and that meant more than any flirty relationship I could imagine. Ellis was a cute friend who desperately was in love with me and I'm not sure if I reciprocated those feelings. But Justin... that was the father of my growing baby. He was giving me butterflies just by being a few feet away from me, that's something Ellis had not ever given me.

I bit my lip and with all the guts I could muster up, I slowly placed my hand over top of Justin, stroking my thumb against his skin in a soothing man. I heard him visibly sigh that kind of sigh you do when you are comfortable. I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my lips.

Our car ride was over too soon as Justin pulled into the parking deck, parking in his reserved spot. I wanted to stay in the sanctuary of this car forever. This felt nice to just be here in each others company. Gianna wasn't here. Ellis wasn't here. The tension of no one knowing our secret wasn't here. It was just Justin and I. Well, Justin, me, and little peanut.

"Alright baby mama, time to get back to work," Justin removed his hand.

I felt sad at the sudden removal, my leg almost feeling cold where his warm hand once rested. I nodded as we both got out of the car. Without thinking my hand immediately flew to my stomach as I stood up, almost like this motion was now comforting for me.

"Thank you for the ride," I turned to Justin as we walked into the building together.

He grinned, "Like I said, we have many years of appointments together, so we may as well start car pooling now for them."

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