Chapter 11: This Could Not Be Happening

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About a month went by without incident. Ever since Justin landed the whole "I'm not your boyfriend but I don't want to see you with anyone else thing," he typically avoided me at work again. I couldn't tell if it was jealousy or hatred. We were still civil and professional when it came to anything to do with Christiana, but with her going the irreconcilable differences route, we weren't meeting with her as often as we once were as things weren't heating up yet. 

Though today I had taken the day off as a sort of "wellness" day and was knocking out all of my yearly doctors appointments. I had started my day at the eye doctor, swung by the dentist after, saw my dermatologist right after lunch, and now I was waiting for my gynecologist to finish off my day before going home and stuffing my face with wine and pizza. 

I sat on the tiny little bed that had paper placed over it for sanitary reasons as I dressed in one of the thin gowns that tied in the front ready to show all my glory to my doctor. The door open as I turned and in walked in my doctor, Dr. Heidi Clover. I had been seeing her for a few years so thankfully she was familiar. She was middle aged, I'd guess around forty to forty-five, she had honey colored hair and a warm smile. She made me feel comfortable, or I guess as comfortable as one could be at their gynecologist's office.

"Alissa," She greeted me with a smile, "It's so great to see you."

I smiled, "Good to see you too," I kept my gown tightly across my chest not ready to expose myself until she made me.

Dr. Clover took a seat on a stool next to the counter, setting down her laptop on top of the counter. "How have you been feeling?"

"I guess I've been okay," I shrugged. "A little cramp-y lately, but I haven't been eating all that great so it's probably on me avoiding my diet."

Dr. Clover nodded, "What's your diet been consisting of lately?"

"Quick stuff on the go," I admitted. "Pizza, subs, take away fast food restaurants..." I began listing off.

"Well, of course I recommend that you get back on track, but a little fun in moderation never hurt anyone," She smiled. "I enjoy a good night of some stuffed crust pizza," she joked as she turned to her computer.

"So I see we took a urine sample from you, any issues with urination lately? Burning, frequency, or any UTI symptoms that you think we should test your sample for bacteria?"

I shook my head, "Not that I've noticed."

Dr. Clover nodded, "Okay, we'll do a pregnancy test on it just for standard protocol since you aren't taking any birth control, let's knock out your pap smear, breast check, then get you out of here and not back for another year, how does that sound?"

I smiled, "Sounds like a plan."

Dr. Clover instructed me to lay down on the bed and put my feet in the stirrups as she started her exam. While it wasn't painful, pap smears certainly weren't pleasant. She finished that quickly while keeping up small talk about her dog, asking if I had any vacation plans, and telling me all about her recently trip to Italy. She then came and did my breast exam, looking for anything that felt abnormal or bumpy and once that was done she let me sit back up and tie my gown to cover myself again.

"Everything looks and feels normal, Alissa," Dr. Clover assured as she took her gloves off and threw them away, washing her hands, then sitting back on her stool and looking at her computer. "Do you have any questions for me before we part? Any concerns or want to get any STD testing done?"

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