Chapter 9: It's All History Now

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Author's Note:

I'm sure some of you reading are wondering why I changed the last name for Justin. This is no longer a Justin Bieber fanfiction, I started it out that way for fun, but now I've really come to love this story and want it to reach a large audience outside of his fanbase. You are welcome to still vision Justin as Justin Bieber, but the name has now changed to Justin Collins. Thanks for continuing to read, I hope it doesn't ruin anything for you.


Meeting with Christiana so far was a success, though she was confused why Justin wasn't attending the meeting she seemed to let it go when I covered for him and bought into his fake sickness or food poisoning. We were currently covering overall general knowledge about divorce and making some big decisions along the way.

"So what is the timeline for a divorce like?" Christiana asked.

I leaned forward in my chair, "Well, it really depends on the grounds of the divorce on how speedy we can move things along."

She arched an eyebrow showing she was intrigued, "I didn't know there were multiple reasons. I thought it was just two people deciding they don't want to married anymore."

"Fortunately, there are many different options," I smiled lightly. "Most things kind of change in more emergent type situations, like abuse. But, there are also multiple options for non-emergency situations as well."

Christiana leaned back in her chair, "Do explain."

"So the state of New York offers a bunch of different grounds for divorce. The most common type is what is known as Irretrievable Breakdown. Basically, you and your spouse both agree that your marriage is broken upon repair and cannot be retrieved no matter what counseling, marriage boot camps, or whatever other kind of lovey-dovey cupid fixer money scam that will promise to save your marriage that you can think of. This, of course, can take a little longer since there's real no juicy gossip with it - just two people deciding marriage didn't work. You will not be granted a divorce until your property is settled, money is settled, custody agreements are settled, visitations, spousal support, child support, all that good stuff. Typically that takes about six months to year."

Christiana's jaw dropped.

"Six months to a year?" She asked, genuinely sounding shocked. "I can't wait that long, I want to be divorced yesterday! What are my other options?"

I nodded, "Well let me come at you from the totally opposite side. Of course I told you that it's a bit speedier in terms of abuse of some sort. New York also offers options like Cruel and Inhuman Treatment, basically that's abuse of any type - physical, mental or emotional and if you feel there's a danger to continue this marriage. Of course you have to prove it, but the trial sure does move in a more speedy fashion."

"Well, there was never any abuse," Christiana assured. "So I guess we throw that one out the window."

I nodded, "I didn't want to directly ask if you felt there was any abuse, so I'm glad to hear there was not the case. So I guess to get back into things and digging into your personal life, was there any cheating? There is a divorce reason for Adultery. Though, of course we would have to prove which would be airing out your dirty laundry into court documents. And unfortunately, court documents are public and I cannot stop any media outlet or crazed fan from accessing them after all is said and done."

"Well," Christiana bit her bottom lip, "He did cheat on me once."

I nodded, "Okay, that's a start. Though the adultery reason becomes null and void if you forgave and had sexual relations with him after you were aware of the cheating, encouraged him to cheat, or if you cheated yourself. Also there has to be a witness, you can't testify that they cheated you'd have to have someone else to prove it."

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