Chapter 4: We Should Get To Know Each Other

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Back to back clients kept me busy for most of the morning, though the nagging reminder of needing to slice out a time to sit down with Justin kept nagging me.

I stood by my doorway with my last client of the morning, a young nineteen year old who had married a boy she thought she loved at eighteen and only seven months later realized just how wrong she was.

"So, we head to court tomorrow?" She asked, twirling a lock of her dyed maroon colored hair. I could tell she was nervous by her constant fidgeting and occasional crack of her voice. No nineteen year old ever should have to find themselves in the middle of divorce proceedings. 

I nodded and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "We are and we are going to do great. Do any of your family members plan to attend?" 

"My mom and dad are coming," She nodded. "They are going to leave my little siblings at home, it's not something they need to be exposed to. My brother is only ten, he doesn't really even know what a divorce is."

So young... I nodded and patted her again on the back before we wished our goodbyes and I watched her disappear down the hall.

At the same time I could hear the door across the hall open as I turned to see Justin. "Oh, hello Alissa. I was just about to go out for lunch."

"I was too, my last client of the morning just left."

Justin grinned, "Maybe we should get lunch together? Would make it easier than having to find times between our afternoon clients to get to sit down and chat?"

I cleared my throat, I had no excuse why I couldn't. I just told him I was about to step out as well. "That works for me, let me go grab my purse."

I quickly walked back into my office, slipping on my winter coat to brace the cold New York temperatures and grabbing my purse. I checked my hair in the reflection of the computer monitor and walked back into the hallway where Justin was now standing near the front desk and chatting with Gianna. For some reason I felt jealous, how come I didn't have as deep of a connection with Justin or with Gianna? I mean, neither one of them talked to me about TV shows, new movies, or anything about our personal lives.

I bit my lip and walked towards them, "Ready to go?"

Justin nodded, "Yes ma'am, I am." He rhymed.

"You two are going out to lunch together?" Gianna cocked an eyebrow, almost seeming disappointed and jealous at the same time.

"Yes," Justin answered. "Alissa and I need to go over some notes about Christiana Love before she comes back in for another meeting tomorrow morning."

Gianna seemed to mellow as she grinned again, "Well, enjoy!"

With that, Justin and I turned and walked into the elevator, riding quietly down to the first floor.

"What would you like for lunch?" I broke the silence, not ripping my eyes away from where they were locked on the buttons inside the elevator.

"Hmm..." I could hear Justin thinking out loud. "Japanese sounds good, but it's hard to have a private conversation when they sit you with a lot of strangers."

I smirked, "Not to mention when they cook right in front of you. God forbid one of our papers catch on fire."

"So, let's decide against Japanese," Justin laughed. "How about Mexican? I know this great place only a few blocks away. We could walk it's so close."

"That sounds fine to me."

Justin led me out of our office building as we began walking down the street, passing by dozens and dozens of people.

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