Chapter 14: Be Open

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(Whew! Got this one done! I'm posting a day early, because my younger sibling will have to take all of her finals tomorrow. She'll need the wifi. Anyway, after such a grueling fight, let's give our heroes a break and have some kind of fun! The only house who has fun is the Golden Deer House! This fight isn't as grave as the others. At least I think so. Enjoy!)

(Beresu's POV)

                  Sothis was still resting in her room. Our father didn't come last night. We didn't learn until this morning that our father had to go to a conference for some reason, so he left that night on short notice with Alois and Gilbert.

"That will make things easier for us at least" Ephraim stated as he looked over Sothis.

"I just hope the poor dear will recover. Using power like must've taken so much out of her" Eirika said worriedly as she sat on Sothis' shoulder, "Especially since Myrrh is with her. I didn't realize Lyon met with her"

"He must've done it after what happened to us" Ephraim reasoned as a smile formed on his face, "That is just like him to do that behind our backs"

"Regardless, it is surprising she was able to call upon her without an item. Also, what did she mean by child?" Tianhuang asked curiously.

My twin and I realized that we never told him and my goddess about what happened.

"We didn't need to use our items when they were locked away from us. Instead, we depended on our ancestors to help us use our powers" I told them.

The two gods were very surprised to hear this.

"That has never happened before" Doumu confessed surprised, "Normally, you would need an item and established bond with a god to achieve a transformation"

That is surprising. However, my twin's phone buzzed.

"Hello? Oh, already? Coming" he said as he answered the call and hung up, "I've got to go and help set up for the Academic Decathlon for later today. Call me if anything happens"

I nodded my head at him as he waved goodbye and left for the conference hall.

(Constance's POV)

Ah, today is the day! The first day of the Three Houses Competition! I cannot wait to see my house take victory over the first event! We should easily win considering we have Linhardt on our team! Though, I do hope he'll wake up in time to compete. I am sure that Caspar and Bernadette will be able to make sure he is here.

"Let's move the desks over to the middle of the room. We must make three pods" Edelgard said seriously as we went to work setting up the conference hall for upcoming match.

Petra and Kronya were working together to make a pod for the Blue Lion House while Hubert and Caspar were placing a certain number of chairs with each pod.

"Hey, you ok there, Coco?" Hapi asked as she calmly approached me.

"I am doing well, what about you, my dear friend?" I asked her in my friendly manner as I fanned myself.

"Setting up for the event, like you should. I know it has been a few days since you were able to call upon the power of a god, but we still need your help" Hapi said in her usual deadpanned expression.

"Right! Of course! I was just in deep thought! Oh, are we still going to have our usual dinner with Yuri and Balthus?" I asked her as I closed my fan and went to help her with placing three chalk boards against the walls.

"Yeah. Balthus really wants to talk to you and Yuri about using that power of the gods. Not sure why" Hapi answered as she cleaned the boards.

The doors opened to reveal Byleth and Bernadette carrying some food and drinks without Linhardt. Someone is going to have to go after him and wake him from his slumber. Caspar quickly pushed a table against the left wall and helped Bernadette with placing her food and drinks on the table. Well, those two have certainly gotten along together after their whole family drama issue. Though, I will be honest, I didn't think Caspar would be the one who needed saving. I assumed it would've been Bernadette.

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