Chapter 21: The Real Purpose

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(Another short chapter compared to the rest of the chapters in this series, but we need the backstory!  I've probably said this before, but as I was writing this and playing FE Three Houses, my sister was playing Sacred Stones on the Wii U. I just couldn't help but realize that both games kind of had the same out of royals in it! I just had to write something about it! And in case you are wondering, yes, I am writing a story about Sacred Stones! It is currently begin worked on! Stay tuned for that! For now, be safe and enjoy the story!)

(Flayn's POV)

                 After we were reunited and taken care of, Rhea gathered the Elites, the teachers, and Hubert into one conference room. We were surprised to see Hubert here, but Rhea must have a reason for it.

"Now, do you know why you have a bond with the gods and goddesses?" Rhea asked once everyone was quiet and looking at her.

"Tianhuang said he was searching for Genghis Khan and the Fell King as well as the other gods and goddesses who have escaped before the Fell King does. He informed me that once they are together, they will return to their realm" Byleth informed Rhea.

"So, have we completed it?" Claude asked as he pointed out, "I mean, all of our classmates and our teachers have a god, so we finished it, right?"

"Well, what the gods with Those Who Slither in the Dark? Shouldn't we save them as well?" Dimitri asked as he turned to Claude who groaned in response.

"Yes, I believe we should" Beresu said, "We are tasked with saving all the gods and goddesses in our world. We should bring them together"

It looks like we are going to save the gods and goddesses who formed a bond with Those Who Slither in the Dark as well. I don't know if we can, but we should. Rhea then clapped her hands to refocus the group.

"Now, do you know of the story, the Scattering of Legends?" she asked us calmly.

"Oh! You mean the one about our very distant ancestors! Yeah! It is one of my favorite stories!" Claude exclaimed in delight.

"It was because of those past events that Those Who Slither in the Dark have lived this long" Rhea said sadly as the mood dropped tremendously.

"She is correct about that" Beresu admitted sadly, "The royal families were pulled apart and forced to fight each other as Those Who Slither in the Dark were able to carry out their tasks. They were able to wipe out nearly anyone who had a connection to a god or goddess, because they believe that power should belong to everyone and not just the royal families"

"But they had a different name too. They were called the Agarthans and were originally known for carrying out tasks to kill anyone who was not just and kind to others. Yet, that changed when Prince Lyon recruited them to help protect the kingdom. They realized that the royal families had this tremendous power and only used it for themselves. That is when they turned against the royal families and took control of Lyon" Seteth explained.

"I didn't even realize they had taken over my mind and my kingdom until it was too late. Until everything was too late" Lyon said in my head in a sad manner.

"Then, that is where our distant ancestor, Lyon, married Myrrh" Rhea explained, "The two of them worked together to find Those Who Slither in the Dark and make them pay for what they have done. During this time, they actually had a child. Her name was Sothis"

The Elites jumped in shock as they looked at Eisner's family's adoptive little sister. She then turned to them and nodded her head.

"It was after that attacked. I awakened and remembered everything that was going on" she said seriously, "My parents worked tirelessly to find Those Who Slither in the Dark and make them pay for what they did. We actually had a family and I was even married at some point to a wonderful husband! My children are Rhea, Seteth, Macuil, and Indech. We all worked together to find them. I even went back to the realm of the gods to meet with Tianhuang and work with him and his four protectors. After my parents passed away, I was tasked with finding Those Who Slither in the Dark and defeat them. Sadly, that was not the case. As I, along with others like us, were making our way back to the realm of the gods, we were attacked. I made sure everyone else escaped, but I faced the former leader of Those Who Slither in the Dark and had formed a bond with a strong god, Genghis Khan. The two of us fought each other until we struck each other down and damaged the barrier between the realm and this world. That is why the gods and goddesses continued to pass through the realm and this world. Tianhuang then spent years searching for them. He had help from others like us. He must be very close to finding all the gods if he is here"

That is a lot to take in. Everyone was silent as Hubert coughed to gain the attention of everyone in the room.

"I hate to interrupt, but what does this have to do with me?" he asked as he stood behind Edelgard.

"Ah, that's right. You didn't realize how powerful your fire is, did you?" Seteth asked as he faced Hubert.

Hubert held his tome even though he wasn't bonded with his god at the moment.

"You are a descendant of one of the Tome Holders of Europa. You are the fire descendant. I am surprised you didn't figure it out" Seteth said as Hubert grinned and looked at the tome.

Well, he's going to be happy about that.

"So, I hate to interrupt, but what are we supposed to do?" Claude asked honestly, "I am kind of lost"

"Well, we are going to help Tianhuang gather the rest of the gods and goddesses" Byleth informed Claude.

"And we need to stop Those Who Slither in the Dark as well. We can't let them do anything to harm our classmates and our friends" Edelgard added strongly.

"Not to mention we should get them for what they did to our friends in the past. We have to get them back" Dimitri added seriously.

Claude raised his hands and nodded his head in agreement.

"I am glad you are in agreement. Now, we have to train you for everything. Luckily, we have teachers here who will help you train. We shall make sure you are ready to face them" Rhea said strongly as we stood together.

"Then, let the lesson begin!" the Einser twins shouted determinedly.

(Byleth's POV)

After learning the truth behind everything, the Elites and I were forced to train and prepare for upcoming battles against the Elites. We even have our Housemates help us train and learn a bit more about each other through this experience. This is such a peaceful time. I hope it will last. 

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