Chapter 3: The Schemes of a Deer

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(I'm so sorry about this chapter being late! Have no fear though! Claude fans, here you go! Claude is here and ready to scheme up new plans! Honestly, Claude is a delight! Thank you for making such a wonderful and fun character! I had so much fun with his story too! I do Fear the Deer! Enjoy!) 

(Byleth's POV)

             I have free time now. This would be a good time for me to get some research about the Gods and Goddesses done. After all, we need to learn everything we can about this. I was in the library early morning on a Saturday. Well, I guess that is the life I have to live now.

"If I am right, your library should have something about us here" Tianhuang said seriously as he looked through my eyes at the numerous bookshelves.

"Got it" I whispered back to him as I scanned the shelves for something.

I pulled a couple of books of the shelf and began to do some research. After the past two hours, I couldn't find anything! My face hit the pages of another history book as I groaned.

"Wow! I didn't think I would find anyone up this early not even Mr. Tomas is here! What brings you here, Teach?" a humorous Claude said with a grin as he sat next to me.

He picked up a book I had cast aside and began to skim the pages.

"Oh, researching the former Gods and Goddess which roamed the land" Claude said with a smile, "Are you taking Mr. Seteth's class? I've heard he gives out weekly essays for seniors. Hey, we are in the same grade! Why are you doing this much research by yourself?"

I need to rethink my strategies.

"Ask for help. He seems intelligent" Tianhuang suggested, "We have been here for 2 hours"

"Thanks for that one piece of advice" I replied back to the god as he chuckled at my misery.

"Can you help me with this? I wanted to find out how many gods are here" I asked him politely.

"Sure! I actually know a few myself! Mr. Tomas allowed me to research about this!" Claude said as he gestured to me to take notes.

He cleared his throat as he said explained in joy, "There is a king of the gods, or King of Heaven depending on how you look at it. He had four protectors which are Cangdi, Doumu, Chidi, and Huangdi. He worked with the goddess, Sothis, to bring peace to this world and to drive out the darkness. However, Sothis was not a queen of the heaven. She decided to live her life on earth with her family, but she still remained close with Tianhuang. Have you really not heard of this, Teach?"

I starred him in complete shock. Sothis?! My little sister?! Is she a goddess?!

"No, I haven't heard of this before. What else do you know?" I asked him seriously as I prepared to take more notes.

"Sothis is here?! Also, how do you not know the history of your land?!" Tianhuang asked shocked.

"She's my little sister! Just be quiet! I need to listen to Claude" I snapped at the god as I listened to Claude.

"This is the part where everything gets a little fuzzy, but Sothis was killed by the god, Genghis Khan. This caused the gods and goddess to flee from earth and return to the kingdom of Heaven. Tianhuang and his knights charged to fight Genghis Khan and his enemies. After the fight, Tianhuang locked Genghis Khan away along with the Kingdom of Heaven. That is why no human can ever enter the Kingdom of Heaven. But who really knows, am I right?" Claude asked with a chuckle.

If only you knew what I was dealing with Claude. I finished taking a few notes as Claude skimmed another book.

"Huh. I didn't know you were looking into the minor gods and goddesses as well. Yi? The Archer? Don't think I have ever heard of him. Sounds cool though" Claude commented as he flipped through the pages of the book, "But yeah, I'll help ya Teach. I'll take these books and do some research for ya. Here's my number too"

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