Chapter 5: About to Blow

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(Wow! I was able to get this done and right after my final too! Oh boy! Seriously, that was a really hard final! I hope I passed. Well, here's the next chapter! Honestly, when I was playing the first chapters before the, uh twist happens, felt like a Persona 5 game with how close everyone was with each other. Either way, enjoy the chapter!)

(Byleth's POV)

          It was around 8 am when most of the students were up and about. Each either having breakfast or getting ready for their classes. The news was on as I was making myself a cup of coffee. My twin was reading her textbook for Mrs. Shamir's class as Caspar, Linhardt, and Bernadetta entered.

"Wow! It's them! The Elites!" Caspar yelled as he pointed his finger at the screen of the TV.

It was our recent victory at catching a group of bank robbers. We received a tip from Dimitri about the robbers since he still keeps in constant contact with Mr. Fraldarius. We decided to handle the bank robbers and return the stolen money. Actually, this wasn't our first case either. Dimitri was able to receive information about upcoming crimes or hearing word about terrible people about to cause harm towards others. If we have these powers, might as well use the power to protect our town here.

"They're so cool!" Caspar said as he punched his fist in the air, "I hope I can be like them someday!"

"Loud and causing public destruction?" Linhardt asked with a yawn as he went to make himself a cup of coffee.

"What?! No! Ok, a bit! But they just rush into action, defeat the bad guys, and save the day! That is what I want to do!" Caspar said determinedly as he cracked his knuckles.

I grinned as Beresu rolled her eyes at me. We then walked to meeting location and meet up with Claude and Dimitri. So far, we have been rising to fame, but we haven't been able to find anything about the gods and goddesses.

"I feel like someone is trying to keep us from learning about this" Claude said annoyed as he laid on the ground.

"But why? What could they possibly gain from this?" Dimitri asked curiously.

We were currently sitting outside in the tea gardens. Claude was laying on the ground while the rest of us were sitting in chairs with a table and having tea and snacks. It was the weekend, so we didn't have to worry about our assignments as much.

"Do you think we can talk with Mr. Tomas about this?" I asked Claude who had his eyes closed.

"Possibly. Why don't we check it out? He knows me pretty well, so he should be open to us about it!" Claude said as he opened his right eye to look at us.

"We'll be back soon" I reassured my twin and Dimitri.

Claude and I departed from our group and went to the library.

"Have fun you too!" Claude said with a wink and wave as he followed me to the library.

Beresu glared at him as Dimitri hid his blushing face from us.

(Edelgard's POV)

I saw Byleth and Claude running towards the library and leaving Beresu and Dimitri. Good. I am aware that Byleth is the Professor from our first encounter. Now, I just need to find the other members of his little team. I saw Byleth hanging around his twin, Claude, and Dimitri more. If my hunch is correct, then I believe I have found the other member of the Elites. I saw Hubert walking with Annette, Mercedes, and Ashe. This is perfect. I walked away from the cameras and anyone who could observe me

"Chidi let's finish this" I said as I tapped my headband.

In a flash of red, I closed my eyes as black armor appeared on me. My hair changed from white to brown in a flash as a white and red mask appeared over my face with red feathers appearing from the sides of the mask. Long black sleeves appeared on my arms as metal gauntlets formed on my hands. Silver boots formed on my feet as a silver axe appeared in my hands. I am sorry to bring harm onto our classmates, but I must do this in order to bring peace to our land. I slammed my axe on the ground to make fire erupt and surround Ashe, Annette, and Mercedes. Hubert was able to get away from the attack.

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