The Cuckoo Clock Hearts

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I just watched Jack and the Cuckoo Clock Heart. I cried. So now, here is your Christmas special...

The video above is the trailer so it's somewhat an explanation too... Watch it first.


John's POV

My name is John Smith. I was born on the coldest day of Edinburg, thus my hearts stopped beating. Yes, both my hearts. It's something uncommon, but I guess it's just me. Tara Smith, a midwife who saved my life by making my two hearts cuckoo clocks.

I follow three rules or else I die. One, my clock is not a toy. Two, I cannot be angry or excited. Lastly, I cannot love...

But I did fall in love, with a beautiful girl with the name of Clara Oswald. A sweet performer, but we did meet before, but I was worried about my heart. Only problem is... She doesn't remember.

I met her again and she befriended me and she sorta fell in love, I gave her the key to my hearts, the one thing that keeps me going.

But... My lover was lied to by Danny Pink, an old friend, or used to be friend. I poked his eye out when I got mad with him, thanks to my clock hearts.

He took her away from me and the key with her.

And I was done. Angry that my clock heart made me a freak and ruined my life.

I started to crumble without the key so I headed back to Edinburgh. So did she. Little did I know Tara had died after I left.

I found her grave, started to freeze to death and shortly Clara came to see me.

That is where I am now.


"John please, let me wind your hearts again!" Clara pleaded, her glassy eyes shining with tears. She tried to wind my hearts up again, but I grabbed her warm wrist.

"I'm sorry my love, but I cannot." I grabbed the key from her hands and threw it away.

"John, you're gonna die!" She said, tears now falling.

"I know. I want to die. Just so I can kiss you." I leaned in, kissed her and it was the best feeling. However, after a moment, everything had stopped.

I let go of Clara's lips and looked at her. She was in the middle of the kiss. So delicate... I stood up and looked behind me. A snowflake ladder, leading to the top of the heavens. I started to go up, but looked at her one last time.

"Goodbye... My love." I said, knowing she couldn't see or hear me. "I... Love you."

The Soufflés That Got Burnt (Whouffle One Shots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora