Pressure Point (Optional Ending)

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So none of you like sad endings? THATS WHAT WRITERS DO. Anyway, the beginning will be the same, just the ending.
Almost to- never mind. I'm already at 90k and 2k votes. XD

"Isn't it amazing? A simple human girl is your pressure point. The control freak means everything to you huh? Well, here's the real question. Why don't you help her instead of trying to kill me? You know I have regenerations.. Unlike humans, they're stuck having one life. Sorry friend, you lost." The Master held some device up and smiled. "Bye bye." And he pressed the button on the device, causing him to disappear.

The Doctor rushed over Clara and sighed. She was breathing, but ever so faintly. He untied her, picked her up, and quickly carried her back to the TARDIS. He hoped he would be able to catch Martha...

How it felt wrong was because two things. One, she still had a life, a perfectly okay life. Second, she had the Doctor. Here it was desolate.

"I want to go home..." She whispered to herself.
"Martha!!!" The Doctor banged on the door of their flat, holding Clara in his arms. He was able to stop the bleeding, but what worried him was the infection.

"What?!" Martha opened the door and then looked between the Doctor and Clara. "Get in."
"How did you know it was me?" The Doctor asked, handing her whatever she asked for.

"The way you carry yourself, it was like your past self. But besides that, what happened to her?" Martha asked, cleaning the wound of infections.

"The Master... Stabbed her..." Martha simply nodded, leaving it at that.


Maybe it was the red flashing light or it was the pain in her chest, but now she started to feel numb now. Was she dying?


"Okay. I've sealed the wound and cleaned it. All that's left is for her to wake up herself." Martha explained, finishing it up.

"Wonderful. Thank you Martha." The Doctor smiled.

"No problem. May I at least ask who she is?" Martha asked, the safest question to ask so far.

"Clara Oswald, my companion. Normal human like all you lot." The Doctor replied. Martha decided it was best not to ask what happened before.

"So you changed your face too?"

"Yup! Do you like it?" The Doctor asked.

"The chin could be smaller." She replied.

"Oi!" At the same time, Clara was stirring.

"I want to go home..." She mumbled to herself.

"Clara..." He held her hand and in return she squeezed it gently. "Stay with me, cause you're all I need." He whispered.


That's pretty much it. The end will be of course she regains herself and everything, duh.

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