The Clone

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(A/N: So the Doctor here is Twelve by the way. Also this has major spoilers for Death in Heaven...)
It hurt to see his box go away, vanish without a trace. She felt tears in her eyes, wishing she didn't lie. But she did, she had to. He had found Gallifrey and she needed to say Danny was here.
It was already several months after the Doctor's leave. She was simply grading papers when she heard the familiar sound of the TARDIS and her papers flew away.
Once it fully materialized, the Doctor came out, his eyes meeting hers.
"Clara." He simply said, his Scottish accent ringing in her ears.
"What are you doing here?" Clara asked, "I thought you were gonna be the king or queen of Gallifrey?" She teased.
"I was, but I wanted to do something first." The Doctor motioned for someone that was inside to come and it was...

"Hello Clara, it's been a while, hasn't it?" And she fainted.

~Time skip has been brought to you by the man who made Clara faint.~

She woke up, somewhere besides her flat. It was her old room in the TARDIS.

"Are you alright?" There it was again. The same voice, it was him.

"Impossible..." She was able to mutter and looked to her right. The Doctor, her Doctor, the same bow tie and tweed.

"Hello to you too Impossible Girl." Her Doctor laughed as the current Doctor came in.

"You're probably wondering why." The current Doctor sighed.

"Quite.. I want answers." Clara replied, crossing her arms as she stood up in her seat.

"The TARDIS helped me make a clone, exact features and personality. The only thing that I needed to do was to integrate the memories." The current Doctor explained. "All I need is a name and where he's going to live."

"What's the difference between the two of you?" Clara asked curiously.

"Clara, give me your hand." Clara reluctantly did so and the Doctor placed her hand over where his heart should be. A singular, lonely heartbeat of one heart.

"I'm human." Her Doctor signed.

"Disgusting." The current Doctor spat.

"He already has a job?" Clara asked, changing the subject quickly.

"He's the new physics teacher for your school. Mr. Humphrey is retiring this year." The current Doctor explained.

"Aw, I liked him, good teacher." Clara sighed.

"Can we talk about my name now?" Her Doctor asked impatiently.

"Has to be Smith as the last name and can't be named John, due to my last regeneration..." The current Doctor trailed off.

"How about Matt Smith?" Clara suggested, thinking out loud. Her Doctor began to say Matt Smith over and over, until he began to smile.

"Matt Smith, I like it." Matt smiled.

"Now the issue of where he's going to live." The Doctor finalized.

"How about at Clara's?" Matt asked.

"If Danny and herself wouldn't mind, I don't see why not." The current Doctor replied.

"Clara can I stay?"

"Don't suppose why not. I broke up with Danny months ago, so you can." Lying was a gift and a curse..

"Wonderful!" Matt grabbed a suitcase he had on the side and ran out the door. Clara stood to follow and was about to head out the door but Clara felt a hand.

"Watch him for me, will you?" The Doctor asked.

"I will, I promise." She pulled him into a hug before running out of the room, leaving a lonely timelord in his box once more.

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