Amnesia (Part 2)

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The Doctor kept Clara in the TARDIS, where she believes is a hospital. He always asked her questions, everyday to just have a spark, a single spark. Till' one day, the hurt in his hearts was aching.

"Clara?" The Doctor asked, walking into her room.

"Yes Doctor?" The two months they've been together, they've grown fond as well.

"Would you like to go somewhere with me?" The Doctor asked, nonchalantly as possible. Which isn't saying much. He needed an adventure and he needed her to remember.

"Sure!" She got out of her bed. "What do I wear though?" She was wearing shorts and a tank top, not at all suitable for adventuring. So the Doctor took her to the wardrobe, letting her see the passageways she was never allowed to see. It sparked something, but it wasn't enough.

"Ah, here we go, the wardrobe." Inside could be the biggest wardrobe Clara has ever seen. She examined the clothing, seeing what could be perfect. When she noticed some of the clothing was familiar.

A certain Victorian era dress was what she saw first. It reminded her of snowmen, two children, a mansion, a lizard woman, another woman but was human, a potato head shorty, and the Doctor. Had she met the Doctor before?

She began to think about it more and the memories slowly started creeping in. The Great Intelligence, Akhaten, The Heart of the TARDIS, a Russian Submarine, Trenzalore, Cybermen, and Mr. Sweet kept hurting her head. She yelled out a strangled cry before falling unconscious on the floor.

~1 Hour Later-

Clara woke up slowly in a bed, except it wasn't a hospital bed. It was in a bedroom and she looked to her left. There was biscuits, water, and flowers in a vase. To her right, a picture frame. She picked it up to see a cute photo of the Doctor, leaning on the TARDIS door, while Clara hugged him. The two where both wearing bow ties and fezzes...

"The Doctor!" Clara remembered. Setting the photo down, she got up and left her room, looking for the console room. Inside she found the Doctor, sitting down, reading on amnesia.

"Doctor?" The Doctor jolted up, as if a shock of electricity went through him. He dropped the book down and ran to Clara, giving her a hug.

"Doctor.. You're... CRUSHING me!" The Doctor let go.

"I'm just glad you're okay." He replied, looking into her eyes and she could see the happiness in his.

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