Ginger (Part 2)

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"No. MY HAIR!" The Doctor stared at it in the mirror.

"It is what you get for not taking me to Hawaii like promised." Clara laughed, unable to control her laughter. This doesn't come around all the time. His hair was green!

The Doctor thought for a bit and then remembered about that. "I'll be taking a shower, let me just get my clothes. Don't worry by the way, it's not permanent." Clara left the room and the Doctor thought of a plan. He ran outside the TARDIS doors, happy they were still in the mall.
Clara went into the bathroom and removed of her garments. She turned on the shower and let the warm water hit her skin. She felt as if it was too easy, making the Doctor's hair ginger.

She grabbed her shampoo bottle, unaware...
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She screamed, staring at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. Her hair, yes, her hair, was PINK.

"Mm, revenge for dying my hair green." The Doctor leaned on the door frame of her room, grinning. Clara quickly got her clothes on and ran out the bathroom. She eyed the Doctor and tackled him down to the floor.

"You little... I have a job! You don't! Nobody will care if your hair is green! BUT MY HAIR IS PINK! FOR ANOTHER 4 WEEKS!"

The Doctor learned his lesson after getting a nasty bruise on his face and a sprained ankle.

Never, even if you don't like what she did, ever, get revenge on Clara Oswald.
It's a short part 2, but I decided.. Eh.

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