Smiles and Kisses

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What's up guys! So a few things to meantion:

*Stay Tuned For A New Book, The Fault in Our Soufflés. Almost like the Fault in Our Stars but different! I just need to know if you would like it as an AU (Alternate Universe) or how it is with aliens, time, etc?

*I will be on hiatus for a month unless I get Wi-Fi...

*Thanks for the 300 views! Can we get 400?

*That's all.. Allons-y!


"Doctor? You're spacing out on me again!" Clara waved in my face, her smile brighter than ever. Her smile... It just makes me feel so warm.

"Oh! What were we doing?" Her smile never leaves her face unless she feels genuinely sad.

"Silly.. We were going to Hawaii, remember?" She punched my shoulder gently, grinning. I like grinning. Grinning means an awesome smile from Clara. No, not awesome, cool smile!

"Oh! Oh yea!" She rolled her eyes, her bright smile lighting up the whole room. I always wondered how her lips would feel-. No! Why am I thinking this? Timelords plus humans equals disaster! However, maybe one kiss wouldn't hurt? It was always like this with Clara, her teasing and flirting making me think these things..

"Doctor? You're spacing out again!!" She called and I couldn't hold it in anymore. I walked closer to her, cupped my hands on her cheeks, and kissed her. Surprisingly, she kissed back, maybe she was waiting for me to do this?

We broke apart after a minute, needing oxygen.

"Wow." Was all she said, sitting in one of the seats in the TARDIS console room, her smile bright and wide.

"You kissed back." I mumbled, leaning on the console.

"Of course I did! I like you Doctor. No, not like, love you." My hearts felt extra warm. Not just because her smile, but because she said it. She said she loved me. All I needed to say was,

"I love you too Clara."

The Soufflés That Got Burnt (Whouffle One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now