Abuse and Care

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~Some Rape Meantions and Such~

Clara had a boyfriend, Jay, who always physically and verbally abused her. However her pride caused her to never ask anyone for help. She didn't want to be seen as a weakling. This time he did more than abuse her. He raped the filling out of the Doctor's Impossible Girl.

She was left by said boyfriend in the alley.

"Doctor... I need you..." She uttered out and said hero's familiar box came, materializing infront of the fragile Clara Oswald. The great warrior in a ridiculous bow tie and tweed came to her aid, scooping her up carefully and taking her to the TARDIS. She fainted during the process, allowing the Doctor to care for her.

"Oh my... Clara, why didn't you tell me?" He whispered into her hair as he walked to the med bay.

~An Hour Later~

When Clara was safely tucked into her made bed into the TARDIS, he hacked into the security cameras and the abuse. It started as a few punches and slaps, but them it became slightly violent.

The Doctor watched in horror. His warm green eyes became a shade of menancing dark green. He researched who Jay Chester was exactly and then he decided to take action. After checking on Clara once more, the Doctor navigated the TARDIS in front of Jay Chester's home. The Doctor soniced the door and found the evil Jay watching the telly, eyes widening as he saw the Doctor dashing up to him. He pinned Jay to the floor.

"Listen to me Jay. I will throw you into the Time Vortex if you ever so touch a hair on Clara Oswald. You do not just leave a kind and gentle girl like her in an alley. YOU TREAT SOMEONE LIKE CLARA WITH RESPECT!" Now the Doctor wasn't the type of person who does violence. However with the people he loved, he would do anything. So he dragged Jay into the TARDIS, held him by the collar as he traveled to the Time Vortex. He opened the door and gave him one last warning.

"Never hurt my Clara." and he threw Jay into Time Vortex. The Doctor smiled with satisfaction and closed the door. Good riddance.

Since then, Clara was always under his protection.

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