The Astronaut

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Okay. It could be the best September Clara ever had. The Doctor professed his love to her and everything was fine. He took her on many dates, some resulting in almost death, but it was fun. Until in one horrible day in November...

Clara decided she was thirsty so she walked through the corridors of the TARDIS and got water. Harmless right? Well, the TARDIS lead her to the console room instead of her room, which was strange. That was when her world stopped. She walked in when River Song and the Doctor were... I don't know... KISSING? It looked like it was about to get a bit more intimate as River looked like she was going to pull off the Doctor's red bow tie. What was worse was the Doctor looked like as if... He was ENJOYING IT! She dropped her cup, which shattered into a million pieces, just like her heart and the two stopped, as if they were caught while doing something bad. And in Clara's opinion, it was. The Doctor turned to see tears falling from Clara's brown eyes. A scene the Doctor never wanted to see. Ever.

"Clara, I can explain!" He walked over, but Clara took a step back. He wasn't to be trusted anymore...

"Get away from me you..." She didn't finish her thought, but instead she rushed back into the corridors and got out of there.

The Doctor stared at the empty space, unable to comprehend what happened.

~A Few Minutes Later~

"Well. I told you we should have told her that I was here." River spoke after a few minutes of silence.

"You don't understand. She... She's my everything. We wouldn't be standing her if it wasn't for her." The Doctor turned away from River.

"Does that mean... You moved on from me?" River's voice was barely a whisper.

"Err..." The Doctor was now in hot water with two women

"Was our marriage anything to you?" She asked, clearly holding her anger.

"I... River, I moved on." He managed to say.

"Fine then. I'll make sure she can never have you." River walked off to the hallways and then the Doctor realized what she was going to do.

~Meanwhile Back To Clara~

"Clara, River is going to kill you." The TARDIS, or the hologram of herself was comforting Clara but could hear River's angry footsteps.

"So what?" Clara asked, wiping her tears.

"Don't you value your life?" The hologram of herself asked.

"After what I saw, I don't know life anymore." The hologram disappeared, slightly frustrated at Clara's stubbornness. Meanwhile, River knocked down the door and fired three shots. BANG. BANG. BANG...

"Good riddance." The Doctor thought he was too late. He rushed over to River and gave her a mean look.

"Get. The. Hell. Out. Of. My. TARDIS!" River shrugged and used her vortex manipulator to get out of the TARDIS. The Doctor then rushed over tovClara, holding her like a fragile doll.

"Clara... I'm sorry. It wasn't me... She wanted to... You know... Oh please... Rassilion make her come back... I love her so much." That's when he heard someone clear their throat.

"I accept your apology chin boy." He turned to find Clara, not a single scratch on her. He dropped the 'other' Clara and ran to the real Clara and gave her a big hug.

"How... What?" The Doctor was partially confused, how was she alive? He let go to let her explain.

"She made a fake replica of me with all the blood and stuff inside and also made a replica of my room too. The TARDIS and I are friends now Doctor. I bet you're glad to hear it." All the Doctor did was give her another hug. Clara looked up on the ceiling of her fake room and gave the TARDIS a smile. They were friends now, but who knows for how long?


I'm not kidding it's 4 am in the morning. I finished this up just for you guys! Be thankful. I know lots of people want an argument with Clara and River, not a short one, so here!

The Soufflés That Got Burnt (Whouffle One Shots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora