Zombies Are What Made Us Die

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Who watches the Walking Dead? This is how the Doctor and Clara are in the Walking Dead world, however he gets bitten. No regenerations, Clara has to.. I'll leave it to you to know what is happening.


"DOCTOR!" Clara called, looking frantically as she stabbed the zombies in the head.

The world stopped when she saw him get bitten. It was in slow motion, the zombie bit him and she felt this surge of power as she sliced through all the zombies. Once she reached the one who bitten the Doctor, she showed no mercy. She sliced the zombie's head. After a quick look around, she fell to her knees and looked at the Doctor. He was bitten on his neck. She couldn't amputate that.

"Doctor.. Please..." Tears were falling as the Doctor held her hand.

"Clara..." He said with a struggled breath. "Promise me you'll run, far away. Keep me.. In your heart." He pointed to her heart.

"Why... Why must it be like this?!" Clara cried, holding his hand tightly.

"It must. Clara, promise me you'll remember me, as I will remember you." He muttered, looking at her face.

"No..." She cried.

"I hope our paths will cross someday, in another world where there are no blasted walkers around. I love you Clara and survive." He took his last breath and it was all over.

She cried for several minutes, silently as possible. After that, she knew what she must do.

"I love you too.." She said silently as she grabbed the Doctor's knife and did the honors.

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