"No." I answered immediately.

"With Jungkook and Tzuyu." He adds.


He suddenly raises his eyebrow at me. "What?"

"I convinced you that easily?"

"Well, do you want me to take my word back?" He suddenly stands up from his seat and put his phone on his coat. "Kaja, they're on their way." He suddenly says.

Ah, so he's still under me? A cold man who seldom smiles is still under my commands?

Both of us were silent as we made our way to the parking lot. He opened the door for me before going to his seat.

"Unnie? Are you on your way?" Tzuyu asks after I answered her call. "Yep, how about you?"

"We just arrived, do you want me to order yours now?"

"Yes, please. I'd like to eat something spicy right now."

"Will do, see ya." I just hummed in response and put my phone back inside my purse.

"Who called?" He asks. "Tzuyu. She says they just arrived." He nods at the information and remained focus on driving.

Since he's really driving fast, but not that really fast to the point that we violated something, we arrived at the restaurant where they are in no time.

We saw the two right after we got inside. "You don't seem stress like I how I expected." I said.

She just smiled. "How's their company?" I asked. "It's fine, I hink I'll be able to handle it soon without anyone's help."

"She's a fast learner." Jungkook butts in. The tone he used tells me he's really proud of her. "I wouldn't be surprise if you tell me soon that you wanted to build a company of your own."

"Aniya, unnie. I already have two. Ours and theirs." She smiles  "Anyway, Mina unnie called. She says all our gowns will be delivered tomorrow early in the morning."

"Tomorrow? She changed it?"

"They'll be really busy, you know, they still need to fix their kid's papers and many many more." She answers.

"I wish Hara unnie found my papers. So your family can finally adopt me." Her smile slowly fades away.

She did found it, Tzuyu. I just don't know where she put it before the accident.

I even asked their family's right hand about it but the person said no.

Our orders arrived after waiting for a couple of minutes. I can even see how some waiters look at Tzuyu like they are already undressing her in their minds.

I raised an eyebrow at that. Tzuyu doesn't seem to notice it as she was busy staring at her dinner.

I saw in the corner of my eyes how Yoongi smirked at Jungkook while he just looked at him, irritated.

Is he jealous?

Why would he, though?

"Is there something on my face?" Tzuyu innocently asks him. She probably caught him continuously glance at her.

"Yeah, your beauty steals every single ma--Ow!" I glared at Yoongi. "Mwo?" Tzuyu asks.

"He said your beauty steals every single person's attention because they feel insecure." I said.

"Stop with that, unnie." She says as she starts eating.

"So, you're finally giving your blessing to Jungkook because you pinched me--Ow! One more fuc--"

"And may I remind you that we're eating?" I asked. "And I ain't gonna give my blessing to him."

"But you act like you are going to give it."

"Do you want me to stab this right through your heart?" I showed him the fork I am holding. "Stab me with your love, instead."

"Dream on." I rolled my eyes at him and continued eating.

"Wait, isn't that Yoongi and Jungkook?" The four of us looked up at the entrace of the restaurant after hearing that familiar voice.

"Oh, Nayeon and Tzuyu are with them!" Yesun's friend pointed us.

This was supposed to be a peaceful dinner.

Yesun smirks before walking towards.  "Great to see you two." She greeted the boys.

"And why are you two having dinner with them?" She raised her eyebrow at Tzuyu and I. "Because they begged us."

"Hey, just because they merged with your company it doesn't mean that the of you can act like their future wives. Duh, dream on, bitches, especially you Nayeon. his parents never liked you." She says, catching all the attention of the people eating with us.

"And he never liked you as well so we're even." I replied, calmly. I was about to slice another piece of my food when she suddenly shoved the plate.

It fell on the ground and broke into pieces. "What the hell is your problem?"

"And you will never ever be his wife so we are really fucking even."

"Actually, you're wrong about that." Our eyes went to him.

"They're going to be our wives actually, not now but soon." Their jaws dropped, including ours.


Regret ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon