138 ~ lead among stars

Start from the beginning

"I hope everyone here enjoys watching and listening to these kids as much as I have. And takes away from all this that music is something that connects us all, as one. No matter how it's being sung or played. Thank you again for coming, and please, enjoy."

Siwon then bowed and quickly slipped inside the curtain as people clapped for him quietly, and the spotlight slowly faded.

They were all left sitting patiently in the dim space as the faint sounds of instruments being shuffled and lifted could be heard.

Several families slipping in from the now closing gym doors and taking up any remaining seats. Some opting to stand as people were squishing in, shoulder to shoulder.

A full house.

Suddenly, the curtains began lifting at a slow, yet steady pace. Everyone sitting up in anticipation as the spotlight slowly returned, centered on the piano.

Making it shine bright white and illuminate the space and students around it.

The vocal point of the room and performance.

And seated behind it was... Chaeyoung?

Her mother and her looked to one another at the same time. Both mouthing Chaeyoung's name to each other, before looking immediately back to the stage as a few stray piano keys could be heard.

Lisa's eyes focused in on Rosie as the Australian closed her eyes and nervously played a little more. A soft, slow building melody being played before a single guitarist strummed his hand.

Siwon, he had strummed.

And it was on Chae's guitar.

Roseanne's fingers soon picked up the pace. The other two guitarists, Wendy and that one boy from earlier, joining Siwon in gently strumming their hands.

Slowly building along with Chaeyoung, who was getting more and more into the music.

And then, as if an alarm had begun going off in the distance, the sound of a single trumpet was blowing what seemed like soft warning signs.

Lisa almost picturing the melody the piano and guitars were making as a wave. Large and incoming to the people swimming in the ocean below.

The building of the music like the building of the wave. Higher and higher. Gaining in velocity.

And like the trumpet's warnings weren't being heard, another one joined in, bellowing together until several flutists began a fast paced playing of low notes to high.

Almost resembling the cartoon music you'd hear any time a storm was approaching. Signifying the disaster about to strike, and making her imagination only expand.

Drums were soon being thumped in the background as all the students joined in on what was now a loud, but not obnoxious melody.

The music low and harmonizing before coming together in a high, until another drop was played.

Lisa's eyes watched as Rosie's hands moved from the far right of her keyboard to the far left. Quickly shifting her fingers on the keys to represent the sea in Lisa's head.

Before suddenly, everyone stopped. Well, aside from some drums as Jisoo quickly thumped each of her hands.

Right, left, right, left, right, left.

Before slamming them both down together.

It was quiet, eerily quiet. Until Rosie slipped her hand back to the far right of the piano again, and pushed down on single key.

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