Chapter 28 - Cooped Prince

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Despite how Cal repeatedly stressed out on how the obvious choice would be to stay away from Frazier, I believed it'd be fine. He gains nothing from being friends with me and I gain a new companion, which I think is a fair trade.

So here I am stalking the castle halls in wait for the prince. Okay, it's not the best plan but it's gonna work, just give it some time. Sure I can wait for him to come to me, but that probably wouldn't happen.

During yesterday's evaluation of myself... I've come to the conclusion that I have to be proactive. Nothing is going to happen if I don't do anything.

Right before I was going to be mad for waiting in front of an empty hallway for half an hour, the meeting room's door had opened. The king, Bianca, and the princes walked out accompanied with all their maids and Butlers and the last one to come out was Frazier.

This is my chance!

Wait for me, my next victim, I'll be sure to play you till you wished you've never initiated a conversation with me before. Hahaha!


Frazier turned his head around to face me and his face looked bleak. Almost as if I intruded at a very bad time. It's too late to turn around now, I might as well finish what I started.

"Do you have a minute to talk?"

"I suppose I have all the time in the world, now."

"And that means..?"

He seemed to find what he was saying weird, as well. Like he didn't plan for it to happen, "I'll be bothering you for the next two months, or maybe more.."

"You're staying? What would you be doing then? There's not much for you to do."

"That's what I want to know. Your father, the king has decided I should stay for awhile longer, and my father...doesn't seem to object."

While staying around the halls wouldn't be something hard to do but still the me who had stayed for almost an hour now can really use a break.

"Why don't we talk over a cup of tea? The weather is nice and warm and the gardens look great this time of day."

"You're very talkative today. It wasn't long ago that you couldn't wait to drive me away and have fun with your brother. In fact, I haven't seen him at all, not even in the meeting.. you wouldn't know where he might be?"

I decided not to answer him, subtly pushing away the question by opening the gates of the garden, calling a few maids who were idling by to help serve the tea.

"I just feel that we have some things in common, so we should make ourselves acquainted by talking to each other."

"You're changing the subject...but it's fine, what do you want to talk about?"

"Well, first things first...tell me something about yourself, the way your family treats you, perhaps... Or.."

Or how you knew my brother.


Frazier pov

I was working on the letters I needed to send back when the butler knocked on my door, inviting me to a meeting to discuss the state of my visit.

Confused as to why there should be a meeting discussing it, as I would return in a week, I hurried to dress myself and arrived at the meeting room. I concealed my shock when I saw that the king as well as most of the royal heirs were attending, as well as one of my father's ministers.

This line of attendees should have brought me joy, as it would mean they were accepting or at least acknowledging my status. But unfortunately that not an ally. And without being humble, I can clearly tell that my status doesn't warrant the king attending a measly meeting.


I stayed rooted to the chair, unwilling to accept what had happened. For some reason, they were forcing me to stay in this kingdom for two months. What excuse they gave, saying how I should spend more time with the princess and princes, for diplomatic means. How stupid could I be to not understand? I was being forced to stay in order to eliminate my fighting power.

If it had been any other two months, I would have relented and stayed, maybe strived for more status and influence. But these two months.. are a crucial period. The tournament would have ended and the knights were going to swear their oaths to the crown prince. It would be the best time to collect supporters.

With me away, there would be nothing stopping my brother from claiming the whole army!

I walked out after calming myself down, hoping the situation could turn for the better or.. that someone could help me out.

"Prince.. do you have a minute to talk?"


Right, there was this princess as well. I've gotten interested in her, but now isn't the time.

Or maybe this is the best time. I held out a long sigh and faced her looking for trouble face.

Now, what does she want?

"Well, first things first...tell me something about yourself, the way your family treats you, perhaps... Or.."

After pulling me towards the garden she finally let out the question she was holding on to the whole way there. I can tell she's been contemplating how to ask me.

"Or... what?"

"No, nothing. I must've still been curious as to why you'd approach me."

"And you've pulled me to the garden all this way while I was clearly distressed just to ask me this?"

I couldn't hold back a sigh. She has something else she wants to ask, and I just need to coerce her into asking.

"Yes... I'm sorry to bother you-"

"About myself, and why I would approach you... It's simple enough. You're a very beautiful lady and you seemed to be lonely, so I approached you. The fact that you were the princess came second."

I thought about some other menial things to talk about while appraising her, the way she nods and pretends to listen while she was waiting to ask her question. It's somewhat cute.

"Something I notice is that you are quite different from my own sister. She's a princess quite like you and she came from very humble birth. The only daughter amongst three other sons. My father loves her, you see.."

She seemed to be uncomfortable with the topic, but I continued pressing on, "but it's not the same for me. The youngest and the one with the least to contribute. What could I prove to him that my brothers haven't done before?"

She's listening and thinking about my words, probably trying to reply to the story I gave her. I think that's enough talk from me, she should contribute something or it would just be my monologue.

"So, what was it you really wanted to ask me?"

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