Chapter 10 - The tutors

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So, guess what? This little girl has scored herself a potential friend! All by herself!! Hahahahahhaa!! Right, right, now on to phase 2 of my genius plan!! Because I'm a genius and I got a plan! *cough* I definitely already had this plan before and it wasn't just magically thought of spontaneously. *cough*

After re confirming the plan, I was about to execute it but then I felt a pull on my dress and I fall sloppily towards the chest behind me. I didn't even need to look back to know who pulled me. Cal hugged me and put his hand to my mouth, covering all the responses I could've made.

"Tri, sorry about my sister, she's just a little bummed about having no one to play with her." (Cal)

Triel, who I just noticed has stiffened up before, now looked a little more relaxed. Hm? I wonder why? Wasn't he totally scared of me before?

"That's alright. I need to excuse myself first, hopefully that's okay with Mercia?" (Triel)

Oh, I see. He wants to run away. I can't help but laugh at the totally obvious escape plan.

"Yes, don't worry! She's got me now." (Cal)

Wow, look at that little boy go. Did I really look hideous? I thought I looked pretty enough. Hmm..


"Let me go."

"Okay, okay. Trust me, I have proper explanation for you." (Cal)


Cal stilled for awhile and seemed like he was reconsidering telling me of some sort of secret.

"Spit it out."

"Triel can't stay near girls. He.. uhh, how do you say it? I think he's had a trauma of them. And, believe it or not, you're a girl." (Cal)

"Of course I'm a girl!! What do you mean by believe it or not?? Oh, that poor child, why is he so afraid?"

Cal looked a bit disturbed, so I wondered whether it was something I shouldn't know or maybe he wasn't too happy with the way I called his friend a poor child. I respect people's privacy, y'know?

Wait. I cant be his friend if he's scared of me! No, maybe we can be friends? I just need to fix his dislike of girls. Yes, new plan!

Ah. But how?

"Don't. Don't even think of fixing him, it's not something you can just 'fix'. Don't make it worse by tagging along with him.Seriously." (Cal)

I should've listened to my little sister. I'm pretty sure all her games had weird settings like the one I'm in now so solving it should be easy. If only I listened to her babbling nonsense, I would've known what to do in this world and I would've made myself a good friend! Oh well, I can't cry over spilt milk.

"Alright, alright, it's totally fine if you don't want to tell me his problem. Just tell me why you're suddenly so nice to Bianca?"

"Well, without all those nasty brothers of mine swarming around her, she's actually not bad. She's really nice and pretty.. not that you will ever get that." (Cal)





Are you trying to tell me you fell in love with your own sister?? Incest??

Wait, wait, no. I am not going to get dragged into one of my little sister's fantasies anymore. There will be no incest plots here and I'm sure he likes her as a sister or something. Yeah, definitely, like, brotherly love.

Honestly, I don't know. The more I age here, the more my original impression of Bianca soars. It was never bad before, but now I notice things about her that I didn't before. Its like the protagonist halo is working on me the more I get older. It's kinda bothering me but at the same time I'm completely fine with it.

It's complicated, alright? It's just really hard resisting the urge to be close to Bianca and this is coming from a female. If was a guy I'd probably be head over heels for her.

Okay, okay, don't think about unrelated things. Speaking of unrelated things, that nasty father has finally given me a chance to go join the lessons. That is, if, and only if, I score a perfect ten in the test one of the instructors are giving me. Note the fact that prior to this I have not been given any formal education and out of nowhere the people who'd be testing me are CERTIFIED MASTER instructors????

Does he not want me to go study like a regular child? Does he have a grudge on this young innocent girl who hasn't done anything wrong her whole life here??

So, well, I'm now standing behind the door to my potential doom. Beneath this door are the two most fearsome tutors in the whole royal academy and both are determined to fail me. Well, probably. I mean, don't the way things are going kinda feel like they should be failing me?

Right now the only way I can do is dazzle the audience! Yes, yes, if theyre too busy witnessing my great feats, they'd have no time to question me on this world's history.

Good thing I was sort of an internet troll back then. *sigh* Good times. I remember when I would ask questions that people would squeeze their brains to answer but then give them a completely stupid yet reasonable answer. Hahahaha. Like for example, why did the chicken cross the road? Or even the colour trick question. Say white a bunch of times and ask yourself what cows drink. Or say black a couple of times and ask when bats sleep.

Finally the knowledge of another world can help me. Well, that is, if these tutors are easily tricked. Right, don't delude myself, you'll say.

Picture this. Two tutors, each with their own accomplishments, dazzled by a child! What a feat! What a day to be a child!

I am way past the line of nervous!


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