Chapter 21 - Sudden thoughts

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Note : Is it incest if you're NOT raised in the same household as a child and NOT of the same blood?


On a bench, a couple of feet away from the two, Cal puts me down gently and wore a questioning face. As if he didn't quite get me.

"Why do you still care about him? You barely even know him." (Cal)

I.. don't know. I've been too scared to address the growing feeling that I'm being forced to do something I'm not aware of. Could the world be trying to make me interfere with Tony and Bianca's relationship? But, why would it need me to do that? Who even am I to Tony? Just his friend's sister. Well, Bianca is that too.

"I don't know, I just feel so betrayed, so indignant about it."

"And why would you be feeling that? Forgive my rude words but, you were nothing to Tony." (Cal)

He didn't even try to be nice while saying it. Putting it bluntly, I'm just projecting my assumptions of his character and our relationship on him. Cal is right, so why can't I move on? More importantly, why is this brat not at all influenced by this questionable force?

"I know. Just leave me alone for awhile, I need some time to myself. "

"Really, I don't understand why you're still feeling this way when you have a perfectly good looking male specimen in front of you who loves and cherishes you more than you think he does." (Cal)

"And that would"

Cal looks at me like he thinks that was obvious, that there's only one person like him in the whole world. Its cheeky, but it makes me feel loved and supported. I don't want to be so involved with anyone here, I'm still not over my past life.

I don't talk about it, I dont try to think about it either. I don't want to make myself depressed over something I can't change.

"Is that supposed to cheer me up?"

"Well, it did the trick, didn't it?" (Cal)

It did, and I'm thankful. I just won't tell him that because I know he'll make a big fuss outta it. We parted ways since he had to go somewhere but I wanted to stay a little longer there, so I stayed.

Not long after Cal left, another one of my siblings sat down next to me and I immediately felt awkward. How do you talk to someone you rarely meet, to the point where you've already forgotten their name?

It's the blue haired older brother. The twin of that jerk prince Rick. What was his name again..? I've always just referred to him by the colour of his hair. When I turned left to look at him, he had opened a book and was reading it, his eyes almost glued to the pages.

"Umm, good afternoon, brother?"

"Good afternoon.". (BlueHairedBrother)

A short and simple answer which takes us back to the awkward silence. How do you suppose I deal with this?

"...What book are you reading?"

"It's none of your business." (BHB)

Well, you see, I'm trying to have a conversation with you but you keep doing this thing! At least respond with a longer sentence.

"Brother, I-"

"I suggest you don't try to talk to me anymore." (BHB)

Fine, I won't talk to you. I'll completely ignore you. Oh but, I'm curious... Where's his tagalong? I'm pretty sure the purple haired brother always follows him around. Hmm...



I can't ask him! I have a feeling if I disturbed his reading one more time, something bad might happen. Out of the blue, I wondered what he was doing here, there is absolutely no way it's for me. Then, who is he waiting for?

I heard footsteps accompanied by laughs and giggles, then I thought, 'oh, It's Bianca isn't it?'


After the heart to heart talk, at least he thought it was, he asked Tony to meet him in the evening to talk about something he wanted to be certain of.

"Tony, you and it official?" (Cal)

Cal looked at Tony indifferently, though in his heart he was raging at him for hurting his sister.

"My love and respect for her is genuine, but it seems it would take awhile to become officially betrothed." (Tony)

Oh, I Tony is getting led by the nose and he doesn't know it at all. How stupid, Cal thought. If it were Merry, she wouldn't have led him astray. She would express her love in her own way and that in itself would be endearing.

"You do know, she already has many suitors lined up. You may not be able to reach her at all." (Cal)

Speaking like this, Tony was starting to get irritated. He knew Bianca had many admirers and he is just one of many to her but having that fact pointed out by his friend angered him.

"So you want me to give up? How could you, when I considered you a friend. You should be helping me. After all, you are her brother!" (Tony)

Yes, but Cal was also Merry's brother and he loved her more than Bianca.

"Well, I was being honest." (Cal)

"And this is what you called me to ask about?" (Tony)

"It's an important thing isn't it? As you said, I'm her brother. I just wanted what's best for her." (Cal)

"It's Mercia, isn't it? Bianca said she liked me. Is it true?" (Tony)

"And when did she tell you that?" (Cal)

Suddenly he felt angry and disgusted. His friend no longer hold any position in his heart and he was more than willing to end any weird thoughts from forming.

"I bet she made you help her didn't she? My heart only belongs to Bianca! There's no on else." (Tony)

"Bold of you to assume that she would do it because she likes you. In any case, would you believe everything Bianca tells you? If she said I liked you, would you also believe that?" (Cal)

The conversation was going nowhere so he ended it and excused himself, trying to figure out something that's been bothering him as of late.

He has been irritated easily, his chest would sometimes clench in pain when looking at a certain someone and he had no idea why. Was he sick? Did he contract a powerful disease that couldn't be cured?

"That was stupid.."

Of course not. What kind of disease comes and goes like the clouds in the sky? What disease times itself so perfectly with the arrival of a person, so much so that every single word that person says can change his mood?

"Have I gone crazy?"

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