31 - The little truths

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Is there a way to test your blood? Like the olden days where you drop blood into a bowl of water and see if the blood will seperate or dissolve. Yes, yes, technically this method doesn't work because of density and some other science stuff, but I need something to hold onto. Anything.

I don't want to be a princess, but if that means I have to loose my only family member in this world, then I'd rather become the most princess if ever a princess ever was. I've adapted to this world. If anything, my brain can't go back to being an adult anymore. All those stories of people achieving great things when they get transferred into another world.. well, it's different for me. I spent my entire childhood here. Months and years of time, it would be weirder if I kept the adult mentality.

Without realizing it, I've reached the garden. Something about the vibe just makes me want to sigh. It's a good, refreshing sigh. Like letting out your worries and taking in the fresh air. Oh wow, I'm starting to sound like cal when he uses his poetic wise words. Come to think of it, this was where I met val for the first time. I only met with him twice, huh.. I wonder how he's doing.

"Pardon me, princess.. the garden needs to be tended to. Would it be possible for the princess to sit in the gazebo to wait?" (?)

A gazebo..? What's that? Placebo? Wait wait let me think.. yeah I got it. It's a belvedere. Now now, I didn't just say a completely random English elegent sounding word to annoy you. You see, there's a beer in my world called belvedere. And the architecture belvedere exists as a platform of sorts. In conclusion, I've been stalling. For in front of me is my friend I haven't seen in a while, vil.


I turn to the boy who looks taller, more mature, and less...happy?

"It's been awhile, val. How are you here?"

"I'm sorry, princess. It's getting really hard for my father to visit the palace. It... hasn't been really easy for us." (Vil)

Oh. I see. It hasn't been easy for you either, has it? Vil looks like he grew up but he's still that softie.

I let out a sigh, "Come sit down on the grass with me."

"No, princess-" (vil)

Princess. Princess, it's princess again. I don't even know if I'm a real princess and everyone seems to be calling me that these days.

I pulled his hand, "Just sit down."

Regardless of his struggling - this kid is so weak- I succeeded in pushing him into the ground and finally being able to look at him at similar eye level.

I'm short.

"Hi vil."

He looked shocked but seems like he decided to accept his fate as he gave me a small smile.

"Hi, Mer." (Vil)

I know this look. It's what my sister looked like when she was frustrated when I said she couldn't play around and needed to study. We weren't rich, just enough to get both of us somewhere. My parents worked hard and I didn't want her to forget that.

I didn't say anything and just gave him a hug.

I could feel him tightening up. It's really sad to see this little kid Two years in the future so beat up like this.

"Merr, I'm tired.. I wanna go play, I don't want to work, I just-" (Vil)

I pulled him up and patted his back, yup yup cry it out you little kid.

"Good job, you got this."

Vil gripped my dress and buried his head onto my shoulder. Well look at that, the big boy isn't crying. He used to scream and cry alot.

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