Chapter 4 - Acting cute

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I stared at the back of that cheeky little kid who looked a bit unwilling to be anywhere near the two blond brothers and secretly wrote their bad relationship. The blond brothers and Cal, why do they have such bad blood going on between them?

Maybe cal was also the product of a one night stand but thankfully the woman was a good enough marriage candidate and so it was allowed? Or maybe some other thing happened entirely??? Well, I won't know so it's useless to think about.

My, my, my, can I just say how stupid it is for seven year old kids to flirt in front of my face? I mean, sure, love is for all ages and all that but you just won't feel happy seeing seven year olds flirt, right? Like, duh, they're kids so they shouldn't and yeah, not because I'm jealous of how I wasn't like that at all...

Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever.

Well, let's just continue looking at blond big bro and blond small bro's antics in pleasing the little princess called Bianca. To get a closer scoop on their antics, I crawled silently near them and overheard their cute but I'd rather not listen to this type of conversation.

"Bianca, why are you always so nice to other people?" (Blond younger bro)

"It's not like that, Ethan. She's just that nice. It's her personality." (Blond big bro)

"*giggles* Ethan, Evan, You two are nice too. That means that your personalities are nice as well." (Bianca)

"Bianca, one day, when we're older, you have to be a little tougher because not everyone deserves your nice personality." (Blond older bro)

"But that's okay since I'll be there to protect her." (Blond younger bro)

Me : *puking noises*

Okay, enough is enough. I'll show you what flirting should be like. First of all, you push the girl like this, and the pull out the rug from under the guys like this, and now we have me sitting on a pile of kids!!!

.....or not.

I can't, y'know? No matter how much I want to because my puny little arms don't have the strength to do anything. Psh, no I did not notice how Cal was looking at me funny or how he was in the verge of a laugh. Who needs help anyway, definitely not me.

"Sister, will you move so as to clear a path for people to walk through? You're currently blocking the way." (Blue haired boy)


But I didn't move. Duh, why would I move? I'm a kid so I can get away with whatever. But I just didn't expect him to pick me up and put me in the far off babies corner which has toddler toys everywhere.

"Be good and play over here." (BHB)

What? Did you just tell me to play at the babies section? Ohohohohohooo.... I will remember this, boy. I may not have any power in my child body but schemes are easy to do since I'm already a mature adult inside.

"B-bwwatthher? Why do I have to be ovwer hweere?"

I tugged on his sleeves, stopping him from leaving me here in the baby's zone.

"Ugh, why are you pulling me?" (BHB)

"Trey, stop bothering her.." (Purple haired boy)

"Suddenly such a caring brother, are you, Seb?" (Trey)

"I just don't want you to get scolded by dad." (Seb)


"What do you u want?" (Trey)

"Father said not to scare her, Trey.." (Seb)

Ugghhh, is it just me or the purple haired boy aka Seb totally ignores me but has this weird attachment to the blue haired boy aka Trey? Is this discrimination? Sexist? Wait, wait, no, there's no such thing here, right?

Now that I think about it, this little body of mine is a princess too, right? That means I got authority too, right? Then these guys can't do anything to me can't they?

"Bwather, cookie....want."

"You want a cookie?" (Trey)


"Then you'll get a cookie who you've done something that deserves it." (Trey)


Isn't that too harsh to say to a kid my age?? I mean, the kid's body's age, of course.

And then I feel two arms wrapping around me and lifting me up, placing me onto a warm soft surface. I didn't have to look up to guess who the person was.

"Big bro Trey, are you picking on your own little sister? That isn't nice. You too, Seb. You should've been able to do something." (Cal)

I leaned onto his chest and secretly tugged on his collar, "Cal let me go"

He didn't even look at me when he bent down and planted a kiss on my cheek, "No."

Again with this cheekiness!!!! You're only seven, you brat!!! Let me tell you what seven year old are supposed to be doing. They should be playing with their toys and acting bratty and naughty and they DO NOT flirt with other girls. Imagine this, I'm just his sister and yet he's already this frivolous (for a 7 year old) then imagine what he'd do to the girls in his middle and high school?


What's this though? Why are they gathering around me? Bianca don't come here please or you'll drag the two blonde brothers and that red head with you. They're really jerky so keep em to yourself, Kay?

"What's wrong? Trey, don't bully her.." (Bianca)

"And I am telling you guys that I am not." (Trey)

"Who cares about her anyways? She's just an unwanted little kid." (Rick)

I felt my mood sink a bit, this is definitely the body's own subconscious feelings. I mean, even as a kid, who'd want to be told that? Then the arms hugging me tightened and held me away from the others protectively.

"Rick, that's too much isn't it? Say sorry." (Cal)

"I'm your older brother, you listen to me. I don't need to say sorry." (Rick)

"Rick, I mean it."

I grabbed his collar and tugged it gently, "Its okay."

"See? She's fine with it. Why are you so affected? Don't tell me that you're actually the one who felt hurt because of my words?" (Rick)

"Big brother Rick, stop it. It's not nice to do things like that. Cal is my brother too and so is she. Which means that they're your brother and sister as well." (Bianca)

Yeah thanks Bianca for stating the obvious.

"You're right Bianca, even if they're just half as pure as you, we'd still have to treat them, nicely." (Ethan)

"Ethan! That's rude, you have to give them a chance." (Evan)

Oh my gosh can you please stop talking like you are the best and I'm some bullied kid??? I'm not bullied or frail and neither are all of you 'pure'. We came from the same dad so we can't be that different.

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