Chapter 3 - More brats

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"What happened??" (Father)

Uh oh.. it's the big and scary daddy comin through. Whatcha goin to do, Rick brother of mine?

And just like I thought, Rick's face right now just screams 'scared'. I mean, I get you. I wouldn't want to o get scolded by my own dad who, in your case, is also the king of this place. Haah, I wonder how much pressure your getting right now...

"W-wait, papa, I didn't do anything!! It was the girl's fault. I didn't do anything, I promise!" (Rick)

And then that brat Rick went ahead and shoved me towards 'papa'.

"Just ask her, I didn't do anything!!" (Rick)

Eh? What's with the scary looking stare you're giving me right now? Are you trying to force me to help you? You think I'm scared of your threats?

"Father, Older brother Rick doesn't like me... he said th-that I w-wasn't his younger sister... and that I w-was b-bad.."

Don't forget the watery eyes and the runny nose, woah, I've never known that a kids body could do so much acting and make it look so believable.

Come to think of it, didn't I have a little brother when I was still on Earth? Or maybe it was a little sister? Never mind that, what I remember the most is that the little devil would cry and blame it on me to make my parents mad.

"Oh, is that so, Rick? I think we need to have a little talk later, don't we?" (Father)

"*Gulp* Y-yes, papa..." (Rick)

"Haaah, anyway, I came here not to get mad over your sibling disputes, but to introduce you to a pair of sibling brothers that will be studying alongside you. Keep in mind that they will be accompanying you till the king's trial, so get along well with them." (Father)

Excuse me, what? You're going to dump more brats into the picture?? Isn't having four sons and two daughters enough for you?? You really seriously need to add other people's sons into the fray? Shame on you, dad. Shame on you.

"Father, these sibling brothers that you are going to introduce, are they from uncle's bloodline?" (Blue haired boy)

"Well, you'll see when you meet them." (Father)

Father opened the door and out came two boys, one who looked younger than the other. The older one had Blonde hair and golden eyes while the younger had blonde hair and almost neon yellow looking eyes.

I'm shocked. Really, really, shocked. These two guys, who are super duper cute and all still looked absolutely surreal. It's as if I was looking at those bright signs on the road to signal a curb. They walked right past me, almost knocking me off my feet and went to talk with my older siblings. Was that just now... discrimination?

I feel a bit irritated right now. What did I ever do to them to make them hate me so? Why, I oughta teach them a lesson. There won't be any discrimination towards cute girls like me for as long as I'm here. *cough*.

"Hey, little sister of mine, do you wanna know why they ignored you?" (Green haired boy)

Yeah, but I'm not sure I want to hear it from you.

"What's with that look? I won't lie to you." (Green haired boy)

"Talking behind others back is..... wrong."

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