Chapter 16 - First day first roast

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So here I am I guess, with all the clamor and excitement that I've been trying to get myself into but, I forgot the one thing I should be paying attention to. I'm a grownup so my types of handsome don't involve running around pranking people, naughty grins and stupid questions asked in whispers. Which is exactly what's going on here. Some of them actually act like nobles and sit there with a polite smile on their faces but even when we're nobles, there's always that group of bullies who think they're better than everyone else. Which, sadly, means that I'm going to meet the blonde brothers since this guy over here keeps prattling about his closeness to the mighty lords.

I'm sorta thankful to my father now for not directly putting me with my siblings and instead a year below them, although I'd want nothing more than graduate and get the heck outta the kingdom as fast as I can.

I listen in as the girl beside me continues the conversation about how awesome, magestic, entitled, well mannered and downright absolutely perfect the princes are while I continue to snicker inwardly at how fooled they were.

First of all, purple bro and blue bro whose names I had already forgotten because of the lack of interaction are most probably attached more than just uhhh........... how do I put it? According to my sharp womenly instincts, these two are most likely to be having more than just familial love in the future if not seperated. I even believe purple bro would be the one to start the attach first. No I don't think it's weird I guess but this classmate of mine has a lot of effort to spend if she wants any one of them.

Secondly, Rick out of all people should not be labelled 'The Perfect Prince' because he is not. Imagine a bratty, arrogant and selfish little egomaniac ruling a kingdom. Now wouldn't that be the end of this era?

Also, I'm quite offended that Cal has only been mentioned once in that whole conversation. He is basically the most available and sensible although annoying option from all the four there is. Oh, right, now they're adding the blond brothers. It's quite pitiful that Cal doesn't get that much attention. Is it because he's so annoying?

Alright, forget what I said. The brat that was prattling on about the blond brothers had called the younger blond brother here to demonstrate his worth. Sigh, it seems like I'll be meeting that arrogant brat again. Remember, you have to be nice. This is a whole room of people you can offend just by messing with Ethan.

Oh well well well, here comes the little devil now. I might have forgotten to mention this but Ethan trully dislikes me from the bottom of his heart so him seeing me here should develop quite an interesting scene.

I'd rather not. Me, a slightly less mature woman (now) would be better off leaving the children to bicker by themselves. In other words, I'm too lazy to deal with this arrogant brat right now. I need to save my energy for the socializing I need to do later on. So, what was the best option for me right now? Well, that is, to sleep of course. I didn't get enough of it last night with all the lecturing I got from Cal that overprotective brat. Does he think I'm a toddler???

Alright, I think it's time to hit the lights. So, naturally, I laid my head on my arm and prepared to sleep. However, I guess my luck is really bad, because right after I got comfortable, that arrogant brat knocked my desk.

"Hey, you, what are you doing here? Aren't you too young to be here??" (Ethan)

In other words, he meant, 'What's a dumb little girl doing here?'

And of course to that I answered, "Well that's not any of your business is it?"

In other words, 'Kindly f*ck off.' *cough* excuse my rude language.

"Oh? So the little crybaby princess thinks she's old enough to go on her own without anybody here to wait upon you? Are you really sure, princess?" (Ethan)

If you knew I'm a princess, then why don't you treat me like one, this kind of rude behavior needs to be weeded out form the source. So this was my reply, " Well its better than a certain someone who could only hide in their brother's shadow."

Ahahhhahhhahahahhh! Try to make a comeback from that! By no means am I petty at all, no no no. I'm just doing what needs to be done. It's not like I like bullying *cough* teasing people like this~

"Wh-wh-Who hides behind his brother?? Aren't you confusing yourself with me? What about that green haired brother that you rely on so much? The one that's never been favoured." (Ethan)

Well excuse you, I wasn't hiding behind him at all. On the contrary, he was the one who hid behind my back. Even if I did depend on him, for the most part it was because I was too young to do it on my own. For example, opening the door. There was time when opening the door was a hurdle tall enough to stop me (literally).

"Is that so? Well anyways, what does it have to do with you, Evan? Nothing, right? It had absolutely nothing to do with you whether I am here or not and whether I depend on my brother a lot."

I paused my argument for a bit before continuing to pummel him into the ground with my words.

"I have no need of shame since skipping grades shows how smart I am and naturally, because of my young age, I would need assistance. However, you, a person with lower status, who in addition to that is way older, would go all the way here to bully me..."

Oh look, it's starting to really annoy him. Ahaha... I'm not done yet. Come on, here is my punch line!!

"I think a person like that is really, really, embarrassing. I wonder how much hatred and shame you'll be given once everyone knows?"

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