Chapter 22 - Truth hurts

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Right, how could I have forgotten that all my siblings are in love with Bianca? She's like their favourite person in the whole world. Note here, pretty sure their love isn't a marriage kind but pure love towards something they like. Like for example, a love towards food. You wouldn't want to marry your food, right?

(Pls don't answer with your creepy dedication towards a certain food)

While I was thinking about certain things in life, the main character of the show had arrived.

"Oh, brother! Have you been waiting very long?" (Bianca)

"No, I haven't. I was enjoying myself with a book and it wasn't that long of a wait." (BHB)

"Oh, that's great! Shall we take a walk now?" (Bianca)

Well, I'm here too if anyone's noticed. I mean, it wouldn't be such a bad thing to be given some acknowledgement to, you know? I'm not just a speck of dust along the road either, aren't I?

"Sister, I wanna come too!"

"Oh, but brother Trey and I have made an appointment first. Maybe later, alright?" (Bianca)

Oh, so blue haired brother's name is Trey. Hopefully I don't forget that later on.

"But sister, you don't play with me!"

"I know, Merry, but I'm busy." (Bianca)

"In any case, Bianca has no need to cater to your needs. You aren't important enough to get such a treatment." (Trey)

Well, you're not important enough for me to remember your name, blue haired brother. In fact, I'll be ignoring that remark.

"You're busy...."

I pouted, eyes watering and head tilted up for the last impact, "Please?"

"I.. this... I don't think I can... Maybe tomorrow?" (Bianca)

Even with all this, she still wouldn't let me go on a walk with them? Sheesh. Just what does she want to talk to Trey about that I'm not allowed to hear? Does she seduce them and doesn't want me to get in the way? Honestly at this point I'm just curious.

Other than that, I've realised that Bianca treats me differently now. She doesn't try to dote on me and she doesn't bully me either, but she tries her best to stay away from me. I don't understand the need to ignore me like so.

I sat on the bench and watched the two walk away together, wondering when everything could magically get better. School isn't very fun at all and even back at the castle, I feel abandoned. Only Cal thinks I'm needed in this world, or maybe I'm just his toy...

I know he has other things to do, other people to meet and places to be. He doesn't really need to stay with me and I'm sure that, once he's tired of me, he'll just abandon me too. It's not the first time I've felt like this, even back on earth.

So this is what it's like to be lonely, hm? At least back on earth I had my family... I don't even know my mother, let alone the questionable father figure who rules this kingdom.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I'm just depressed..."

Without thinking, I instinctively answered. Of course, this is the part where I realise that there wasn't anyone near me before and therefore there shouldn't be anyone there to ask me that question.

I've now become too scared to turn around. One, because this is a basic prelude to any horror movie, and two, because it doesn't sound like Cal. So, who else would talk to me in this situation?

As the person behind me moved, I could finally see strands of silver and a very handsome face...

It's ...Triel.

"What's wrong? Did I shock you?" (Triel)

"Umm, no, you didn't. I just didn't expect it to be you... What are you doing here?"

"My father has some business with one of the royal knights and so I've come to learn a few things." (Triel)

Oh, so he came here for something. I wonder if he remembers me.. oh, what am I trying to say? It's better if he forgets because last time we met, I showed him something so shameful.

"I see. How long will you be in the castle for?"

"Maybe for a week. I was a little bit bored, being so free and I wanted to see how beautiful the royal gardens were. Please don't tell anyone I came here without permission, okay?" (Triel)

"You came without permission?"

I feel like...his personality has somehow changed? It's just been two years since I first met him. What happened to him then? He's still twelve years old, still a child. But I wonder why he looks a lot like Cal, even when he's cheerful there's a weird disparity between the look in his eyes and a child's.

"Well, I wanted to meet someone really badly and so I risked myself getting punished to come here." (Triel)

"...who did you want to meet?"

He gave me a grin and sat next to me, "I wanted to meet the kindest, most beautiful princess in the land. The lady who is loved and treasured by all."

The most beloved princess, I see. Who else but my sister? Of course he's here to see her. Now that she's of age, there should be hundreds of little boys trying to get her hand in marriage. How funny, kids are getting engaged already while even the adults on Earth sometimes needed thirty years to get even a spark of love.

"You came to see her before her ceremony?"

"Yes, you could say I'm here to get a head start. Who knew.. she'd have something planned with her brother already." (Triel)

"You were eavesdropping? That's not really gentleman like at all. Don't know if she'd like that."

Forgive me for being a bit salty there, but all these people ignoring me and making me feel like a total shadow has gotten to me in so many ways that I lost control of myself there and talked that way. It's rude and I don't want to treat other people like that...

"Well, what she doesn't know won't hurt her and I know you wouldn't go all the way to tell her I was being ungentlemanly." (Triel)

I lowered my head, calmed myself down and got rid of all the negitivity plaguing my mind before apologizing to him, "I'm sorry, I was taking my anger out on you before.. you must be disappointed you didn't get to meet her."

"No, you shouldn't apologize, I wasn't in the right either. Besides, I didn't really get disappointed because I got to meet someone else, equally interesting instead." (Triel)

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