Chapter 2 - Are we really siblings?

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Turns out, I was completely mistaken. My siblings weren't bad at all. Hahaha.... ha.....

Right after our small talk, father escorted me into the room next door, said something like "This girl is your younger sister," to all the kids there and left soon after. Talk about an irresponsible parent, right? Heh.

The first thing I noticed wasn't their ignorance, but their appearance. Each one had this distinctive colour to represent them. They have matching eye and hair colour, which is not what I'd expect. One had green, the other blue, another had dark purple, then another had red and finally there was even one that was pink.

What..? I'm jealous..? Of them.....? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. There's no way I'm jealous of these colourful people with colourful looks and a very beautiful splendid glamour like style at all. Plus, there's not even a sliver of doubt in how much pride I take in my red eyes black hair combo. Yes, none at all. *cough*

Anyway, were not talking about me right now, so.... yep, let's continue to what exactly happened, okay? Yes, yes? OKAY??


The kids in that room, which I'm assuming are my siblings, all had different reactions when they saw me. The red haired one seemed to dislike me a lot, the blue haired one didn't care, the purple haired one wasn't paying attention at all and the green haired one was looking at me like I'm some amusing thing. Which I am not. I can guarantee that I'm 100% NOT interesting at all, okay?

The girl with the pink hair who I'm assuming must be my sister acted the weirdest. SHE WAS NICE TO ME. Maybe I'm a bit prejudiced against her, which means I've gotta think a bit less pessimistic, but why is the girl whom I'm expecting to go 'I hate you why are you here' actually went 'you're a cute girl, I like you'.

I got the shivers, literally. It's like seeing a bald man calmly comb his hair. Wait, that'll be impossible, right? Because he doesn't have hair.

"So YOU'RE the girl papa was calling his daughter? Heh. I won't acknowledge you as my sister. I don't have any sister other than Bianca." (Red haired boy)

It's alright, I won't acknowledge you as my brother, either. Now we're even.

"As long as you don't disturb me, you're free to do as you like." (Blue haired boy)

I don't even now who you are, why would I disturb you. Plus, who died and made you the king of the world?

"...." (purple haired boy)

Umm.. yeah, you too, pal. Just keep ignoring me, yeah....

"Eeeeh? What's this? You don't look like the old man at all. Plus you're hair's funny." (Green haired boy)

Your whole face is funny. Hahah.

"I hope you'll excuse the rude reception, we weren't expecting a sister at all." (Pink haired girl)

Is there some underlying meaning to what you're saying, sister? Coz I don't believe you'd be this nice to someone who robbed you of your only daughter title.

Of course, I said none of those rude comments and only slightly nodded my head, did a little bow and hoped they'll pardon me for being so unsocial because I'm still five. I mean, the body's five, I'm not five at all. Come to think of it, how old was I again...?

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