[4] ✽ The Prank ✽

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"Okay so I was near the park on the bench when suddenly someone called me-"


"Whoa hold your horses girl. I didn't even speak properly yet."

"Okay sorry."

"You know what, let's meet up and I will personally tell you."

"What!? No, I need to know. I- if you don't tell me soon I will hunt you down lady." Sora speaks while whining and threatening, making you chuckle.

"Meet me at the regular café, see you!"

You hung up and charged your phone. Stretching, you go to your bathroom before taking a bath and getting freshened up.

Going to your closet, you tried to decide which dress to wear before finally picking up one. Since today was hot, you decided to wear a cream coloured summer dress which was up to knee length and a denim jacket on top of it.

Arranging your hair into messy ways, you left it like that to dry and grabbed your purse and phone before heading down. The whole house was silent and you knew that your mom had gone to work before you woke up.

Wearing your white sneakers, you head out and close the door, locking your house securely with the metal lock. Jingling the keys inside your purse, you slowly walk towards the café.

Jungkook gulped as he neared his father's office room, wild thoughts of his father scolding him, punishing him and exiling him roamed inside his brain making him sweat.

•𝐄𝐮𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚• ||「 𝐽𝐽𝐾」✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin