Murder case?

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The files were on my table and I was sitting in my upholstered chair, going through them all. We actually had a new case, but it wasn't anything special or difficult. It was just a shoplifting by a fourteen year old. The shopkeeper reported him, which I always found a little unscrupulous because he is still a child. I mean, it's a crime, but young people make mistakes. In the end, the parents pay for it anyway.

I always think it's a shame when the young kids commit crimes. Why would you throw your life away so early? Most of the time it is the children who live in poor conditions. Either the parents are drug addicts, unemployed, or single parents. It happens that the boy steals a new jacket because his mother simply cannot afford it. This is not abnormal, but it is not the right thing to do.

It wasn't like that with this boy. His name was Jacob. His family had a big house and they made very good money. He was a good student and seemed to have a lot of friends. I don't know why he stole these sunglasses. It wasn't because of the money, because he seemed to be getting enough money from his parents.

It could have been a test of courage. That happens more often. Maybe he just wanted to be part of any group and had to show his courage first. Far too often that ended really bad.

But it can also be a cry for help. Children from rich families are usually very lonely. They get money from their parents, but no love. The parents usually don't notice that because they think they can buy the love of the children, but it doesn't work that way. Often such rich families have high expectations of the son, which is why he just wanted to do something that a wealthy boy would never do.

I didn't know what the real reason was. A colleague of mine took care of it. I hoped he would tell me that, after he's done, because I was interested. I wanted to take care of it, so I wouldn't die out of boredom in my office, but he got ahead of me. Well, I would probably have to keep doing the paperwork.

I spent the weekend with Celine like almost every weekend. We visited different places that Celine chose and some of them were really nice, some really creepy. Today was Tuesday. Monday was pretty boring, like today. That's what my life looked like. At least for now.

"You look like you could need a burger." said Celine when she came to my office with two bags. And how, I could need one. My stomach was growling all the time and I thought it was digesting my own body.

"My hero." I answered. She grinned, put the bags on the table and sat down on the chair next to me. Celine actually had her own office, but we always met at break. Either me or she got food. But mostly Celine.

"So is there anything new?" she asked curiously. I shook my head and bit into the freshly made burger.

"I wish." I replied when I swallowed. "What about you?" I asked and she shook her head. We both hated paperwork. It was the most boring thing ever.

"No, but there was a cute boy in the burger store." she said and I grinned. "He seems to be new." she let me know. I leaned back with my Bruger in my hand.

"Well then, go for him." I said and she shook her head laughing. I knew that she would not actually date him. She often raved about boys, but in the end she doesn't even say hello. Not because she is shy, but because she thinks that she doesn't need a man. I am sure that Elliott plays a big role in this, but I never speak to her about it. She seemed very closed about it.

I'm sure she's not over him yet. Neither am I. I mean, I look ahead, but now and then I think of him. But that's normal, isn't it? You always think about people you once loved. The important thing is that I don't love them anymore and that's the way it is. I don't love Alexander anymore. I am over it, right?

I looked at my phone when it started to vibrate and ring. Celine also looked at it curiously, I don't know any other way. It was Maira. Oh yeah right, she said she would get in touch again.

"Hello, Maira," I said when I answered. Celine leaned back and took a bite of her burger. She watched me and listened carefully.

"Magnus, are you at work?" she asked.

"Yes, but I'm on a break right now." I answered. "Because of the meeting, how about-"

"Oh, no, I'm not calling to meet you." she interrupted me. I frowned. "I mean, of course I want to meet you again, but I have to ask you something." she let me know.

"What is it?" I asked confused. Why would Maira call? I took another bite of my burger.

"I wanted to ask you if you have insider information about the new murder case." she asked. Murder case? I frowned, put my burger down, and sat up straight.

"Murder case?" I asked confused. "I don't know anything about it. Who got murdered and are you sure that's not a fake information?" I asked confused. I didn't know about a murder. I mean, maybe another police station was taking care of it, but normally I would know that.

"No, a friend told me. She was there when someone got arrested." she told me. What? "I thought you might have some information that no one knows yet." she said. I wish I would.

"No, I'm sorry, I don't know about anything." I admitted. "But thanks, at least now I know." I said. "I'll call you as soon as I know something." I explained.

"Thank you." she said and I hung up. Celine looked at me in confusion as I went through the files to see if there was murder.

"What did she say?" she asked confused and put her Bruger away too. "What are you looking for?" she asked.

"There's a new murder case." I explained and now she frowned too. "You don't know anything about it, do you?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Oh my God." said Celine. I looked at her in confusion, but she didn't look at me. "Oh my freaking god." she said again. I tried to follow her gaze and noticed that she was staring out the window. My heart stopped when I saw who she was staring at.

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