You had no right to do that!

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I'm sorry, I'm late. I completely forgot to upload yesterday but here it is now! <3 Have a good day :)

I almost slipped when I got out of the shower, but I was able to hold on in time. I was sure that it would have been very uncomfortable falling on the floor. I grabbed my towel and put it around my waist. The bathroom was actually locked, but I still didn't want to stand around naked all the time. Maybe I just thought it was locked but it wasn't and Blake comes in.

It was already evening and Celine was home again. She only had half-day shifts, so she was home earlier than we were. We had already shown the letter to Blake and Elliott and they were as surprised as we were. They don't think it is Liam themselves, because that would be impossible, but the possibility that it was one of the brothers was still open.

That still didn't explain everything, because why are they attacking us? Liam's brother were on our side, and it all happened three years ago. Why now? What happened? There were so many questions left and we still have to find all of this out.

After I had dried my hair I wanted to apply my face cream to my face, but it was no longer in the place where it always was. I looked around in confusion and just couldn't find it in the bathroom. Then I remembered that Celine was taking a shower before me and that she sometimes used my cream. I sighed. Great, now I had to search it in her room.

I hurriedly went into Celine and Elliott's room and looked around. Her bag was lying on the bed and next to it I found my beloved cream. I took it and wanted to go back when I noticed something striking in her bag. I frowned and did something that I shouldn't have done. I reached into her bag, although I was probably not allowed to. I pulled something out and when I saw what it was I had to swallow first. It was a pregnancy test and a positive one at that.

I blinked several times to make sure I wasn't going crazy, but in fact, the pregnancy test was positive. Was Celine pregnant? Maybe it was the test of a work colleague. Okay, that was pretty unlikely. This also explained why she was always sick in the morning and why she was often hungry. She wasn't sick, she was pregnant. Crap.

Why hadn't she told me? How long had she known that? Did she already expect it? Probably yes, otherwise she wouldn't have taken a test. With a sigh, I put it back in her pocket. I should to talk to her about it. I was sure that Elliott didn't know that either.

With the cream in my hand I went back to the bathroom, where Alec was now. He wasn't wearing a shirt and probably just wanted to take a shower. He smiled when he saw me and I smiled back a little.

"I'll be gone in a second, I'll just get my things, then you can take a shower." I said in my thoughts, because a lot went through my head. Alec frowned and took off his pants so that he was now naked in front of me. "Or you just take a shower while I continue here." I stated.

"There is nothing you haven't seen before." he said with a grin. I just nodded and turned to the mirror. Alec seemed to notice that I was thinking and came a little closer. He hugged me from behind and kissed my neck gently. I sighed contentedly. "What's wrong?" he asked worried and I wish I could tell him, but I couldn't because I shouldn't even know myself.

"It's nothing, don't worry." I said, but Alec frowned, I could see that in the mirror. "I mean it, go take a shower. I'm just really tired." I explained and that wasn't even a lie. I was tired, very tired. Alec gave me a quick kiss on the neck and then actually went to shower.

After I got one of Alec's comfortable sweatpants and one of my black shirts, I sat on my bed and thought about what to do with this information. I couldn't keep it to myself, because it wasn't an easy topic. I had to talk to Celine about it.

For this reason I got up and went out of the room. I saw Elliott and Blake sitting on the sofa eating chips and watching a movie. Celine wasn't there, which meant she was probably in her room. That was good because I could speak to her on my own.

I knocked on the door and entered the room. Celine looked up and smiled at me. She was in bed with her phone in her hand. I smiled back and closed the door behind me. Elliott had almost certainly told her about what we found, so we didn't have to talk about it today. Not yet, at least.

"Hey, I need to talk to you." I said and she sat up straight. I came closer and sat on the edge of the bed. Celine didn't know what to expect because she didn't know I knew. Actually I felt bad too, because I didn't have the right to rummage through her bag.

"Is it about what you found today? It's pretty crazy, isn't it?" she asked. She was right, that was crazy, but I didn't want to talk to her about that. I shook my head.

"Uh, no, I didn't want to talk to you about that." I said. "Are you pregnant?" I asked just like that, whereupon she tensed up. She avoided eye contact and cleared her throat. These were signs of nervousness and I could understand why she was nervous.

"Pregnant? I- how-"

"I looked in your pocket and saw the pregnancy test." I admitted honestly. Now she looked at me again. Her forehead was frowning and she seemed a little angry about it. Understandable.

"You did what?" she asked incredulously. I sighed. "You had no right to do that!" She said. But she was right there. I actually didn't have that.

"I know that was unfair and I shouldn't have done it, but I looked for my cream and I found it then." I said defensively. She sighed and leaned back. She ran a hand through her hair. The whole thing didn't seem easy for her. "Elliott doesn't know about it yet, does he?" I asked and she nodded. I expected that. "Why didn't you say anything?" I asked her. She could have told me about it anytime. What could I do that would have been bad? Push her away? Definitely not.

"I've only known it myself since yesterday and I have no idea how to deal with it or how to tell Elliott." she explained to me desperately. Tears formed in her eyes. I slid closer to her and opened my arms. She snuggled up to me and sighed softly. "What if he doesn't want the child?" she asked, sobbing. I stroked her head gently.

"Celine, we both know Elliott. He would never let you down with it. Besides, that is also his child and he will love it." I tried to explain to her. I couldn't imagine that Elliott would react badly, even if it was all very disadvantageous at the moment. I mean, we were in the middle of finding a dangerous gang and it was all really dangerous.

"Do you think I'm ready for a child?" she asked and I smiled a little. Was she ready? I was sure of that.

"Are you serious? You love children! You were ready for a child when you were eighteen!" I explained. Celine giggled and sat up again. I leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "No matter what happens or how Elliott reacts to it, I will be there and if necessary I will raise the child with you and then I can give him or her fashion tips." I let her know. She smiled and wiped away the tears.

"Thanks, Mags." she replied, hugging me. It would not be easy, but we would get through everything.

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