We still need you.

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An explosion, that's what I heard- and that's how Blake and I knew it was time for us to climb through the window, which luckily was opened. It seemed to be damaged, so no one could actually close it. It was also very small but we managed to sqeeze ourselves through it without making any loud noises.

I was nervous, you could probably see my heart beating through my chest but there was no going back. We needed this, we needed to save Alec. Blake looked at me and he seemed to be just as terrified as I was. Before I actually got to know Blake and the rest of the gang, I always believed that they didn't fear anything, that they had nothing to lose but in a situation like that, they might lose everything. Softly, I nodded which signaled him to move forward.

We were now standing in a hallway and the stairs up to Liam were just to our left. It felt weird to know that he was so close to us. With the weapons in our hands we walked upstairs and just like Cami said, there was absolutely no one but we were able to hear someone talking.

„I'm happy to see you, Alexander." someone said, probably Liam. They were close, must be down the hallway in another room. „Cut the crap, Liam. I'm not here to play." Alec snapped. I didn't know what was gonna happen. Liam probably wouldn't just kill Alec like that, that would be too easy for him.

„You know, I'm sorry about Magnus. I truly am but I certainly did not kill him," Liam explained. No, he didn't. I was very much alive still. „I know you're here to kill me, Alexander but what is your plan? You don't have any weapons, my people took them away from you, obviously, what did you expect?"

„You don't think I can kill you with my bare hands?" Alec asked provoking. I looked at Blake because I didn't quite know what the plan was now. Are we just gonna walk in? Who knows what Liam is having in there, maybe he is holding a gun and shoots on of us immediately. We should have thought this through more.

Liam laughed: „Oh Alec, if some random guy could kill me with his bare hands, I wouldn't be here anymore."

„I'm not a random guy. I'm sure there's not one single person who hates you more than I do."

„You should be scared because I swear to you, you're not getting out alive this time. Even if you're little friends are coming to save you."

Alec stated: „I'm not afraid of death, not anymore." Blake and I started to walk closer to the room they were in. We couldn't just be standing there, now that we're finally here we need to do something. I motioned my head to the door and Blake nodded. We didn't talk but we still understood what the plan was.

I prepared myself as Blake kicked the door open. The eyes of Alec and Liam were on us. Liam didn't seem to be surprised by us, which made me feel even more terrified. „Magnus?" Alec whispered in disbelief. Surprise, I guess.

I aimed the gun at Liam and said: „It's over, Liam. I swear to you, you're not getting out alive this time." I wouldn't make the same mistakes we did in the past and wait. He needed to be killed. In the same second I pulled the trigger, he pressed a button, just before the bullet hit him right in the chest and he fell to the floor bleeding. It felt horrible but to make sure he was dead, I had to shoot him two or three more times. Now, there was no way he was gonna survive.

I breathed out in relief, it was over. He was dead, he was finally dead for good. Arms wrapped around me and I felt Alec's lips on mine, as he sighed full of relief. I pulled him in and kissed him back. His tears were warm on my cheeks. The joy I felt of knowing he was okay was unbelievable.

„You're okay. Oh my god, you're alive," he sobbed as he looked into my eyes. I smiled and nodded as he whispered: „I love you. I love you so much."

„I love you too, Alexander." I answered. Not knowing if I'll ever be able to see the sunrise again and now standing in his arms, knowing it'll be okay, is an amazing feeling - but it was shattered when I heard Blake say „Guys, we gotta leave, NOW!"

Both of us looked at him confused as he pointed to a countdown which was right on the wall. There was fucking bomb and this was not a small one, no this would make an huge explosion, destroying the whole house, especially in addition with all the other explosive things we have in this house.

„We gotta get the others and leave immediately." Blake told us, as we started to run down. We had like seven minutes left and it did not seem to be enough. Luckily, we were able to locate Celine and Elliott immediately, as we were on our way outside. I grabbed their arms and pulled them with us. „What's going on? Is Liam dead?" Celine asked confused while we were rushing down the stairs.

„He's dead but there's a bomb we gotta leave right now!" Alec explained and that's when I realized that they were still two of us, which were probably in the basement, with lots of other people who did not deserve to die.

As we reached the front door I complained: „We can't leave Camille, Nilan and the rest of them just like that! I'll go get them, you guys get Joelle and get sways from the building!" It was hard to assess what the other members will do. Will they try to fight me? Will they just leave to save their lives or are they gonna stay there to die?

„No, I'll go. You stay with them, I'll tell everybody and be right back outside with them." Blake said but I shook my head. „No-„

„Magnus, it's fine. I'll go! See you all outside." he interrupted me and wanted to leave already but I grabbed his arm and pulled him into a quick hug. He was surprised at first but seemed to find comfort in it very quick. Elliott, Alec and Celine joined the hug. „Take care, we still need you." I whispered into his ear and he nodded with a small smile before he turned to run downstairs.

First, I wondered why Alec didn't want to talk him out of this but I realized very quickly that you can't talk Blake out of anything. Especially not if it means helping someone.

As we were getting Joelle, moving away from the building we watched people running right out of it. Blake must have already told them and now they were trying to survive. Patiently we were all waiting for Blake, Cami and Nilan but the crowd was so big, we didn't recognize who was who.

Suddenly an huge explosion tore up the whole house right in front us.

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