It wasn't an accident.

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I was just about to get myself a coffee because I was really tired. I had actually got enough sleep, but all of this robbed me of all my strength. Blake was fine, at least physically, and that made it easier for me. It would make everything more complicated if he could no longer help us.

"Magnus!" I heard Alec call when I stopped in front of the coffee machine. I turned to the side and saw Alec, Celine, Elliott and even Joelle. They all came up to me. I was surprised because I thought that only Alec would come over, especially after Elliott only found out yesterday that his mother had passed away. "God, I'm so glad you're okay." Alec said as he hugged me tightly. I returned the hug and sighed contentedly when I finally got back to him.

"I wanted to call you earlier, but I no longer have a phone." I let him know. He let go of me and we looked at each other. His eyes seemed concerned, just as they always were when something happened. "Blake is fine too, but he has to stay here one night." I explained to the others, who seemed quite relieved to hear that. "I'll show you where he is." I said, leading everyone to Blake's room, where he was still in bed.

"Dude, are you okay?" asked Elliott when he saw Blake. He just nodded. "What the hell happened?" he wanted to know. I sighed and sat down. The event was constantly happening in my head, so it was not difficult to describe what had happened. I was sure that I would dream of it too. It would be nightmares.

"The brakes didn't work, I lost control of the car and to save us somehow I had to drive the car into the river." I explained. Everyone listened to me attentively, even Joelle, who was only quietly there all the time anyway. "I tried to open the door but it didn't work, so I had to break the windows." I explained why Alec's eyes fell on my hands, which had a bandage around it. He seemed to have pity, but I didn't need pity.

"I had trouble getting out of the car, which is why Magnus had to help me. Without him, I would be dead now." Blake said. Actually, I had hoped that he wouldn't mention that because I didn't want to be a hero because I wasn't. "But I don't think it was an accident." Blake said now and I nodded because I sensed exactly the same thing as he did.

"What do you mean?" Alec asked in surprise. I thought about why my brakes suddenly stopped working, because until now I have never had any problems. My car wasn't old. It worked perfectly.

"I think someone manipulated the brakes. Whoever that was, he wanted to see us dead. That's why I told you to take a taxi." I explained. Alec didn't seem to be delighted by argus because he turned and ran a hand through his hair. "Joelle, I know you didn't want to tell us anything but do you know anything about it?" I asked because that was really important. Joelle swallowed.

"I-I think they mentioned something like that, not that with the brakes, but I've heard that they definitely want to see you dead, no matter how," she explained nervously. „It wasn't me, I swear! Please, don't even think that!" she added. I didn't suspect Joelle because she wouldn't know that Blake and I were leaving today. It could have happened to Elliott too, and she wouldn't kill her own brother, would she?

"Fuck! This time they don't play games. They want to kill us and they won't stop until we are all dead. We have to do something." Alec said nervously. He was right. It was much worse than three years ago. We had to do something because if we didn't change something soon, we would die.

"What should we do? Hide? These people are probably always knowing where we are and there's nothing we can do about it." Blake explained. In any case, we couldn't stay in the apartment we were in because it wouldn't be long before they storm it. It was all messed.

It was like standing on the brink and if we took the wrong step, we would crash. There was pressure on all of us that was almost unbearable, but we couldn't give up. None of this would end until Liam was dead or arrested.

"I can help you." sighed Joelle. All eyes fell on her. Did we hear correctly? Joelle wanted to help us? I thought she hated us all? "I was in the gang, I know Liam and I know how he acts." she explained to us. I believed her. Maybe she could give us more information than we thought.

"Do you know where Liam is?" Blake wanted to know, but unfortunately she shook her head. That would have been too easy and easy has never been our thing. Joelle put strand of hair that hung in her face behind her ear and ran across the room. She seems to be thinking, and that was definitely good.

"No, I mean, I knew it, but they have already moved. You were right, he was mostly in abandoned buildings, but getting in there for you is almost impossible." she let us know. That was less good because we had to get hold of Liam. "I know how Liam works and I know that he can't find you as soon as we hide. I can help you make a plan, but we need time." she said confidently.

"And you think that hiding will help us?" I asked in confusion, because I couldn't understand that. Joelle shrugged and sat on the table in the hospital room. She put one leg over the other.

"Yes, as long as they don't know where we are and we don't let them see us, they don't have a chance. It's possible that we have to move a lot but we can do that." she explained to us. That made sense.

"And you know enough to help us with a plan?" Elliott asked in surprise. She grinned and nodded.

"Well, I often listened to conversations I wasn't allowed to listen." she explained. Well, if she would help us, we would have an advantage and be one step ahead of Liam.

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