Let him go.

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Hey, sorry for the late update but I was quite busy today. I hope you are all doing fine! <3

"Where do you know my name from?" I wanted to know. It would actually be interesting why everyone knew my name. I had never seen him in my life. I would have remembered his face. He smirked just like any evil guy does.

"Does that matter?" he asked. Well, somehow yes, after all, he apparently knows a lot about me. "Are you looking for anything here?" he wanted to know. Not really. I just wanted to find evidence to relieve Alec.

"Do you?" I answered with a question. I still walked slowly backwards until I got to the wall and actually stopped. Fortunately, he stopped too.

"I know what you want here." he said. Did he? "You're trying to free your boyfriend." he said. Okay, yes, he knew what I wanted here. How did he know all this? Who was he? Which gang was that? I had so many questions. "But unfortunately I have to tell you that your friend killed this woman. He'll get his just deserved punishment." he said. I became angry. Bullshit. Alec would never.

"How do you want to know?" I asked and he laughed. Why did he laugh? There was nothing to laugh about. I wanted to punch him in the face, but as the saying goes, violence is not a solution. He came closer to me.

"Because I was here. I watched it through the windows. He stabbed her in cold blood and just because you're a cop you can't just let him get away with that." he explained to me. I looked at him angrily. What a bastard. He lied.

"What do you want from me?" I asked angrily. Why didn't he let me go? He was very suspect to me. He only spoke to me, but didn't even touch me. At least not yet.

"Revenge." he let me know. I frowned. What? For what? Who was he? Now he came up to me and grabbed my neck. He choked me and I couldn't really breathe. Crap.

He held one hand, but my other one was free. I used it and punched him in the stomach. Violence may not have been a solution, but defense was. He groaned and let go of me. I breathed a sigh of relief.

Now was my chance. I wanted to walk past him and get out of the house, but he grabbed my ankle, which made me fall on my stomach, not in a pleasant way. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head up.

"Let him go." I heard Blake say. I looked at the door and saw that he was here. Thank god. The ginger let go of me and my face hit the floor very painfully. Ouch.

"Blake Garcessa. What a surprise." I heard him say. So he knew all of our names. Was that the new enemy? Why didn't anyone tell me? "Today without Alec?" asked he. "Oh right, he was arrested. It must be terrible to find out that his own best friend was a cold-blooded killer, right?" he provoked. I crawled forward a little, but he put one leg on me so I couldn't move.

"Alec didn't murder her, we both know that. It was one of your people and for some reason you want to blame Alec for that." he said. Well, at least we knew that now. "And now let him go, or I swear I'll tear your ass apart." he said. The guy laughed and actually took his leg off me. I sat up and touched my nose. Great, of course it had to bleed.

"How's Claire doing?" asked the guy Blake. I frowned. Who? Blake seemed angry. "I'm sure you wonder how I know that. I know everything about you all." he let us know. Yes, I noticed that now. He probably knew more about Blake than I did.

"I think I'm just going to tear your ass apart anyway." he said and went up to him. He punched him in the face with full strength. It was definitely painful for this guy. He kicked him again so that he flew to the ground. He wanted to kick again, but I stood in front of him.

"Blake, it's enough. Let's get out of here." I said. He looked at me angrily and turned. We ran to my car and got back in. I grabbed my phone before we left the house because I knew I would need it. I sighed. It was only a matter of time before something like that would happen again. That was the reason why I left in the first place.

I took out a pack of tissues to dab my nose as it was still bleeding. No surprise since my face slammed against the floor. It wasn't very pleasant. Blake watched me.

"Are you all right?" Blake asked. I looked at him and nodded. A bloody nose was nothing new. I would survive. However, I found it very nice that Blake actually came to the house. He could have just left me there, but he didn't.

"Are you?" I asked as well and he nodded. He looked away and looked outside. I wanted to ask who Claire was, but I was pretty sure he wouldn't tell me. He generally didn't tell me anything about himself.

I started the car and drove back. That was enough for today and the day wasn't even half over. It has never been easy with Alexander, even now that he wasn't here. I wish he was.

"Thank you for saving me." I said after a long silence. He shrugged his shoulders. "I mean it, after all you could have just let me fix it alone, but you didn't." I explained. He laughed sarcastically.

"And what would I have told Alec?" he wanted to know. "Oh, by the way, Magnus is dead because I let him down, I hope you don't mind." he said ironically. Okay, he was right. "Besides, I don't leave anyone behind, whether I like you or not." he added. I smiled a little.

"I wouldn't either." I let him know. I wanted him to know that he could rely on me. Even if we weren't friends I would always be there.

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