Who is we?

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Magnus POV

My heart was beating fast as I pulled myself out of the water at the edge of the river. I was out of breath and I was absolutely exhausted but I was alive. I realized that, as I laid down in the dry grass. I was still alive, I survived. That was hard to believe because it was so damn difficult not to drown in here. The current was strong and it almost pulled me down to the point I couldn't get myself up anymore. After all, the police training was worth all this.

It was a seventy to thirty chance to survive this but there was no other way. I had to sacrifice myself in order to protect my friends just like they did that for me the past times. Even if I would have died, at least the others were safe, I hoped so at least.

„Come on! He's here!" I heard someone yell as I could listen to footsteps coming closer. Shit, what was this about? I wouldn't have the strength to get up and run away. No, not yet.

As I looked up I saw a brown haired guy with green eyes looking down at me. He seemed pretty young, I would guess he was fifteen. He sighed in relief as if he was happy I was still alive. I didn't know him, I had no idea who he was. His face didn't even seem familiar to me. „Man, how did you survive this?" he asked as he kneeled down to help me up. He didn't seem rude or evil, in fact, he seemed like one of the nicest people on earth. Of course, I couldn't quite know after one minute of seeing him but I just had a good feeling with him.

My feet were shaking as I stood there but not enough for me to break down to the floor. The nice guy was holding me so I wouldn't fall which also helped me a lot. „Who are you?" I wanted to know whereupon he smiled a little and answered: „I'm Nilan and you're Magnus, like Liam told us,"

I backed off when I realized that he was one of Liam's people. Now him being friendly just seemed fake, like he was the devil in person. „No, um, I know what you're thinking. Liam send us to get you and, well yeah, he did but I swear we're on your side. We're here to help you and-„

„You keep saying we. Who is we?" I wanted to know but in this moment someone stepped out of the woods and as their eyes met mine, my heart stopped for a second. I would always recognize those blue eyes and this long black hair. „Camille?" I asked in disbelief. I haven't seen her for years, since we broke up to be exact and I didn't think I would ever see her again. She was in all of this? How long and why? Was she in all of this already when we were in relationship? Was that the reason she left in the first place? I had so many questions.

„Magnus! God, you're alive!" she said out loud as she ran up to me putting her hand on my cheek. I backed off a little since I was just too overwhelmed and shocked in that moment. „You have no idea how worried I was." she sighed. I frowned and asked: „You were worried? You are literally a part of the gang that wants to see me dead! Both of you!" I stated. Camille sighed and took a step forward.

„Listen up, we're here to save you. Liam send us to check if you were actually dead and if not, we were supposed to bring you to him but we won't do that. Liam is a bad person who doesn't care about any of us and we know that. I knew I had to get to you but I just didn't have the chance to do that until now. We're on your side." she explained to but that didn't quite answer any of all the question I was asking myself. They didn't want to hurt me, they were on our side which meant I wasn't in danger. That was at least good to know.

„And what about you? Why are you here?" I asked Nilan because Camille knew me, she had a reason to help me but him? He looked at Camille and back at me, like he was kind of nervous. He was a kid, why was he here anyway? „Joelle was my friend. First I thought you guys killed her or trapped her but when Camille noticed my doubts, she told me that you guys weren't the bad people. She switched sides because you gave her a home she never had here." Nilan said and now that made sense as well. Joelle was his age which means they'd probably get along pretty good. I sighed, I was exhausted and actually all I wanted to do is get to bed. The sun was already setting, so I had to find a way to get back to the others. They probably thought I was dead. I was wondering how Alec and Celine felt right now.

„Okay, what's the plan?" I wanted to know, whereupon both of them gave me a relieved smile, as if they were expecting me to not give them a chance. It was not like I had another choice. I had to trust them and maybe that was dumb but I did. I trusted Camille even though she left me out of nowhere and I trusted Nilan even though I have never seen him before. You can call me naive, I didn't care anymore. I just wanted home.

„We gotta get back to your people, but I guess you don't know the exact way from here so for now we got to get away from the woods to find a street." she said and I nodded. We needed to find out where we were in the first place. This is going to be a long way.

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