No matter what.

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"I don't know how that could happen myself." I explained to the doctor after he examined me. I was fine. I had no water in my lungs, luckily. I was just exhausted and a little traumatized. I mean, Blake and I almost drowned. You wouldn't forget something like that so quickly.

I didn't know how long I had been here. It felt like an hour, but I was sure it was much longer. The doctors still looked after Blake, because we didn't know exactly why he lost consciousness. I think he just lacked oxygen, after all he was under water longer than me. I was just damn glad he was alive.

"The police will investigate this. In any case, it wasn't your fault." the doctor assured me. "And it was very brave that you dived back to help your friend." he let me know. I sighed. Should I have let him die? I would never have forgiven myself because after all it was my idea to drive the car into the water. I just thought that we would survive that rather than crash into a wall or another car at full speed. Besides, we hadn't endangered other people that way.

"Do you know how he's doing?" I asked. I haven't seen Blake since we were driven to the hospital in various ambulances. It was apparently urgent to take care of him. At least I was conscious. The doctor got up and I did the same.

"Your friend is stable and conscious again. I think you can go to his room then, but he will have to stay here one night. You know, for supervision." the doctor explained to me kindly. I nodded and breathed out in relief. He was okay and that was all that mattered. "Do you want to call someone?" he asked me and then it occurred to me that nobody knew about our accident. I didn't get to call anyone because my phone was in the car, at the bottom of the river.

"Uh, yes please." I answered. I should probably tell Alec, even if I was sure that he would only worry unnecessarily. Still, it would be unfair not to call him because he would worry either way. After all, he hadn't heard from us for a few hours.

The doctor gave me his phone and I accepted it thankfully. Luckily I stared at Alec's number so often while he was gone that I could memorize it by now. I typed in his number and listened to the ringing. The doctor left the room, which I found really respectful.

"Hello?" Alec answered the call. I breathed in relief. Luckily he answered the phone. "Who's there?" Alec wanted to know. Right, that was a strange number.

"Alec, it's Magnus." I replied and I could hear that he was relieved to hear from me too. He must have thought Liam had done something bad to us, but no, we were still alive.

He sighed: "God, I thought something had happened! Where are you? Who's number is that?" he wanted to know. I had a lot to explain, but I wouldn't do that now. I ran across the room trying to figure out what to tell him.

"We had an accident." I admitted honestly. I could hear him gasp. "We're in the next hospital now, are you coming over?" I asked. I just wanted Alec with me right now. I wanted to be in his arms where I felt safe. I wanted him to tell me that everything was fine because the whole thing was absolutely not fine.

"I know where that is, I'll be there immediately." he said. There was a little relief because it was nice to know that he would be here in a minute. "Are you all right?" he asked. Was I fine? Not really. All this shit actually traumatized me, but hey, I was alive and I got away. Just swallow everything, I thought to myself.

I replied, "I think so." If I said no, he would worry a lot and I didn't want that. I didn't want to put him under even more stress. "Oh by the way, please take a taxi and not your car." I added for fear that something might happen to him too.

After Alec and I hung up, I returned the phone to the doctor and asked if I could see Blake. I would like to know how he was doing. Not only physically, but also mentally, because sometimes the physical pain was not as bad as the mental one.

The doctor kindly took me to the room where Blake was now. I was also wearing pretty unstylish clothes and now I noticed that I had forgotten to tell Alec to take clothes with him. Mine were completely soaked, so I couldn't wear them at first. Well then I probably had to endure these clothes even longer.

I entered the room and saw Blake sitting upright in his bed, smiling a little when he saw me. It was a rare sight to see him smile just because he saw me. I may never experience something like that again. He looked pretty pale and exhausted. I didn't even want to know what I actually looked like.

"You are alive." Blake noted with relief. I nodded and smiled a little too. For a moment I really thought that we would both drown. That feeling of being out of strength was terrible. It was terrible to be out of control.

"Who else saved your ass?" I asked sarcastically. He sighed and leaned back a little. I didn't have to spend a night here because not much had happened to me. The doctor sewed and bandaged my hands. My elbow was bruised and hurt a lot, but it was all bearable. "Alec is on the way." I let him know and that seemed to make him as relieved as me.

"Magnus, I have to thank you." he said, and I shook my head. He didn't have to thank me because I knew he would have done the same for me. "No, honestly. I would be dead now if you hadn't dived down again and pulled me out of this car." he said. I smiled and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I couldn't have just let you die." I answered. "And as you said, nobody gets left behind." I quoted him. He nodded and teased his head down. I liked the openness that we both had now. We trusted each other and that was important. It couldn't work without trust.

"You should know that I would do the same for you. Anything, no matter what." he informed me, which made me smile a little. I was really happy to hear that.

"Same, no matter what." I answered. He held out his hand and I struck. A handshake that showed both of us that we are not enemies and actually never were. A handshake that now showed that we had a deep friendship.

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