It's been an eternity.

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I sat at the table and silently ate my breakfast, which Elliott prepared classically. It had changed a little. In the meantime there were often croissants and bacon instead of just eggs and bacon. At some point it just had to be boring.

I had a day off, but Celine didn't. She had to do her shift today because we don't always have the same shifts. I didn't know what to do today. I could go to Lorenzo and question him, but that wouldn't be a good idea.

As I knew Lorenzo, he would try to find out why I was so interested in the case. If he found out that Alexander was my boyfriend, everything would blow up and I would never get Alec out of jail. I couldn't risk that.

"Should I drive you to work?" I asked Celine, who drank her coffee with relish. She shook her head and smiled at me.

"Elliott drives me, but thanks." she said. I just nodded. I should have guessed that, but it's understandable. They hadn't seen each other for three years, so they just wanted to spend as much time as possible. If Alexander were here, it would be the same.

I couldn't really sleep last night. I thought a lot about Alec and it was difficult for me to relax. Accordingly, I was very tired, but it was bearable. The coffee saved me.

"What are you doing today?" Celine wanted to know and I shrugged my shoulders. If only I knew that. Everything shouldn't be too obvious. I couldn't show up at the other police station every day when I was normally never there. I should have come up with something better.

"I don't know, maybe I'll just go to the crime scene. You know, try to find out what actually happened." I answered. That sounded like a good plan. I just had to make sure there were no police officers because how would I explain what I was doing there?

"I'm coming with you." Blake replied now. I frowned, but said nothing. Since when did Blake want to join me? I mean, it wasn't a funny trip, but he usually preferred to do stuff alone, or at least without me.

"And what do I do after bringing Celine to work?" Elliott asked and I shrugged. He could come with us as well, but that would only make it more noticeable. Three people at a crime scene, one of them was also a cop. We had to be careful with something like that.

"I don't know, go shopping or do the laundry." Blake said and I smirked. Well, someone had to do it anyway. Elliott rolled his eyes but didn't complain. Well, that would be clear now.

After Celine and Elliott left the apartment, Blake and I set off too. I drove my car to the crime scene. I was able to find out through Aline where this crime scene was. She was murdered in her house.

What made me angry was that the guy who killed this woman was still running around outside and Alexander had to sit in jail for it. Now I remembered something. I had to get Alexander a lawyer.

Fortunately, I had a friend who was a lawyer and was always loyal to me. I knew I could call him and he wouldn't betray me. Never. He would definitely defend Alec because he meant a lot to me and as long as he meant a lot to me he was under his protection.

"Find Ragnor Fell in my contacts and call him." I asked Blake and gave my cell phone to him. Confused, he reached for it and did what I told him to do. It rang for a while before he luckily answered.

"Magnus, how long has it been?" he asked and I grinned. Blake watched me, confused and curious. I had known Ragnor for ages.

"It's been an eternity." I answered. "I have to ask you for a favor." I honestly admitted. We didn't talk very much anymore, but we still knew that we could always rely on each other. He often asked me for help, so I often asked him for help.

"I already thought so. Who will I defend?" he asked motivated and I laughed. He knew what it was about and he would do it.

"Alexander Lightwood. He was charged for murder, he didn't commit. You can trust me there." I said and he seemed to be writing something down. "Lorenzo Ray is leading this case, but I would rather contact Aline Penhallow because we know what Lorenzo is like." I explained. He knew Lorenzo as well and didn't like him either. No one did.

"Okay, then I'll take care of it. I'll take the payment on you, because he won't be able to afford it, will he?" he asked. Probably not, he was right, but I would have paid the costs anyway.

"Exactly, but you can't mention my name. That is important." I explained. "Alec didn't want a lawyer, but without one it will be difficult. I could get him out without one too, but if he doesn't ask for a lawyer, it makes him look suspicious." I let him know. I continued to focus on the road because it would be very unfortunate to have an accident now.

"And if he asks who organized the lawyer, what do I say?" he asked. I looked at Blake because I knew Alec shouldn't know that I was behind all of it either. Otherwise he would not accept the lawyer.

"Blake Garcessa." Blake spoke now. Garcessa, was that his last name? Sounded very exotic, but suited him. I wondered, what was about his family? Was he in touch with them? Why could he afford something like this?

"Okay, I'll call you as soon as there's anything you need to know." said Ragnor and I nodded. We said goodbye and I hung up. Well, he would have one now.

"Could you even afford a lawyer?" I wanted to know. Blake nodded and stared out the window. We were at a red traffic light, so I looked at him. "Where do you get the money from?" I wanted to know. I've often asked myself that.

"My parents." he admitted briefly. So he still was in touch with his parents. Interesting. I actually didn't know anything about Blake or Elliott. I mean, I didn't know anything about their past.

"Actually, I'd like to know, how did you get in this gang?" I wanted to know. Blake still didn't look at me. In the meantime the traffic light turned green and I was able to continue.

"I'm not going to tell you about my past now." he replied and I sighed. I could have guessed that. Blake and I weren't friends and we probably would never be. We were too different for that.

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