Take care.

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So many thoughts went through my mind while we were on the way to save Alexander. I hated this, I hated being in constant danger not because of me but because I cared so much for all of them.

Camille told us that they were in an abandoned nursing home. It was not that far away but also not just across the street. Those abandoned buildings should all have cameras in there so that things like this couldn't happen anymore.

I didn't know what to expect today. Will we be able to stop Alexander before he is there or will there be a war between our gang and theirs? It was good that Camille, Nilan and Joelle were here, since they knew them better than we did. Now that we had no plan to beat Liam, they could be a big help.

We stopped at a small, yellow house which seemed very peaceful. It had a nice garden in the front with roses and tulips. It seemed like all your problems would disappear if you'd live in a house like that. Maybe one day I'd live in one like that with Alec.

Camille got out of the car and Blake followed her. I didn't really get why we were here because this was obviously not the nursery home, so I got out as well to see what was going on. "Why are we here?" Blake needed to know while he ran after her.

Camille pulled out keys to open the door of the pretty house. "We need weapons, u can't get in there unarmed, that pretty much our death." Cami answered.
"We already got our guns, we're good."
"No, that won't be enough." Cami answered as she let us in the house.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw tons of weapons of any kind from explosive things to a machine gun. What the hell was this?
"This is the hiding spot of Liam, he got all his weapons here. Well, at least all weapons of New Jersey. He got a hiding spot in every big city." Camille explained to us and I couldn't believe my eyes. How are they still out of jail?

"This is fucking scary here." Joelle said, as she came inside of the house with the rest of the group. She seemed very amazed by all those weapons and I didn't quite know if this was good but I guess I'd be too if I wouldn't be so sick of weapons already.

"Listen, I know all you care about is saving your friend but we need at least a little bit of planing in this. We can't help Alec if we're all dead." Cami said with a serious face. To be honest, I totally understood what she meant but there was no time left.

Blake sighed: "Okay, tell us then, do you have any idea? Any plan?"
"Liam doesn't know that Nilan and I are with you guys, which means we can get in there first." Camille started giving out weapons to everyone. Suddenly I had an Ak-47 in my hands.

"Joelle, you'll throw this into a small little window. It will make a little explosion in the basement and everyone will be expecting someone down there, so you guys can come in through the window in the bathroom."

"Blake and Magnus are going to find Liam, he's probably in the second floor, Liam will have Alec there if he got there first. You have better weapons than the other so they will be pretty intimated if you meet someone on the way. Celine and Elliot, you'll stay in the first floor. While everyone is down stairs, you'll bring these on everywhere."

Cami gave them explosive things as well but this seems way more dangerous than what Joelle had. This could cause a huge explosion.

"You'll threaten to blow up the whole building, if they try to fight and since all they care about is Liam, they won't fight." Cami was intelligent and I wondered if she just came up with the plan or if she had that already in mind before all that happened. Maybe she wanted to set herself free. "Did you guys understand?" she asked and all of us nodded.

This plan was probably worked out too fast but at least we had a plan, so with all the weapons in the trunk, we left the not-so-peaceful house again.

I was nervous, actually, everyone was nervous. Elliott squeezed Celine's hand the whole time and I could understand why he was so worried. If Celine wasn't that stubborn we would all tell her to stay out of it for the sake of her and her baby. So many things could go wrong, you never know.

We speeded down the street and it wasn't too far anymore. The way we were all in the car was not legal but we simply did not have enough space.

Blake parked a street away from the nursery, since it wasn't quite a good idea to park right in front there. We hid behind a building and all that I saw was two gang members bringen Alec in. My heart stopped beating for a second and all that I wanted to do was run to him and help him but I knew I couldn't when I felt a comforting hand on my shoulder. It was Blake who seemed to be understand of my situation but wanted to show me that it was gonna be fine. I sighed and we waited till he was all inside.

„Okay, stick to the plan guys. Nilan, let's go." Cami said but Nilan stopped for a second. He turned to Joelle and kissed her, which surprised pretty much every one of us, even Joelle.

They knew each other but I didn't know that they knew each other that well. He let go of her, looked into her eyes and said: „Take care."

„You too." she answered with one hand on his cheek. Young love was so strong and so powerful. He nodded and turned to leave with Camille. We hid behind another building so that we were still able to watch when Camille and Nilan went in.

This gave me flashbacks to the last time being in such a situation. We had a way better plan, even though it didn't quite work out the way either. Maybe this time it would finally end.

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