It's okay, I understand.

315 19 4

Magnus POV

"How shall we go on?" I asked as I buttoned up one of my shirts. I chose a black shirt with gold pattern on it. Alec was sitting on the bed watching me. It was almost noon, since we slept for a long time. I think that was the stress that made us sleep longer. We had Joelle with us now but what should we do now? How do we continue? We had to stop Liam, again.

Everything was different this time. This time Liam was fighting us directly. He wanted to take revenge. He wanted to pay us back for what we did to him. Back then he was just trying to stop us from stopping him. Sure, it was all really dangerous back then, but this time it was a lot more dangerous because he won't leave us alone until we're dead.

"I don't know, Magnus. Do I look like I have a plan?" Alec said annoyed. I frowned and turned to him. He didn't seem to take it all that well. Okay, I could understand that, but I couldn't help it either. He looked at me and sighed: "Sorry, that sounded rude."

I took a step towards him and held my hand out to him. He took it and got up. Now he was standing right in front of me and I smiled lovingly at him. I couldn't blame him for losing his nerves every now and then. It wasn't easy.

"It's okay, I understand." I said and put my hand on his cheek. He closed his eyes gently and enjoyed my touch. I stroked it gently with my thumb. "We'll get through it." I explained to him. I knew that because our journey wasn't over yet.

"You know, I just wish we could do normal things sometimes. I would like to go to the movies with you, have dinner in a restaurant, put you on fancy dates and have a normal relationship. But instead we always fight the devil." he explained to me honestly. I sighed because I could understand him really good. I also wish we could just live a normal life.

"We can do that as soon as we got rid of Liam, I mean, if you want to." I suggested carefully. We hadn't talked about what would happen after all this. Would our paths separate again? I felt like I couldn't go through this again. Alec smiled a little.

"It would be damn stupid not to try it, would it?" he asked. I laughed and nodded. Yes it would be. What Alec and I had was something special. It was something that not everyone could find. He was the one. "We should discuss with the others how to continue." he said, whereupon I let him go.

When we came out of the room, only Blake and Celine were sitting at the table. There was no trace from Elliott and Joelle. Did they leave? Did they even get along? I knew they were talking last night, but I didn't know how it ended. Maybe they love each other again and are on their way now to get some stuff. We sat down in confusion.

"Good morning, you two." I wished Blake and Celine. The morning didn't look too good for Celine. She seemed very tired and quite pale. Maybe it was because of the pregnancy. I had no idea how all this works. Sure, I had learned something about it once, but I didn't really know how it felt and I never will. "Where are the others?" I wanted to know as I grabbed a bun. Blake just shrugged. He seemed to know as much as Alec and I did. Celine sighed.

"Joelle and Elliot had a pretty bad argument last night. She told him that his mother died and now he doesn't want to leave the room. I tried to calm him down and be there for him all night, but I could really use a little support." she explained to us. Wait what? Elliott's mother had died? Oh fuck, that had to be terrible for him. I didn't know what relationship he had with her, but losing his mother was never easy. "Alec, you know his story. Could you stay here today and help him?" she asked Alec kindly and of course he nodded immediately. Didn't Blake know about his past? It was strange. I thought the three knew everything about each other.

"Sure, I will." he answered. Well, that was really nice of him. I really hoped Alec could help him. Elliott was younger. He was the youngest of us all, except for Joelle. Blake swallowed and cleared his throat.

"It would be good to find out where Liam is. I thought we could visit to lost places, you know like an the one where we found Joelle. Maybe we would find him there." I suggested. Alec frowned and shook his head.

"And then? They'd shoot you right away." Alec said. I sighed because he was right. I wasn't going to just walk in like that. No, we would need a better plan for this.

"I mean we could drive by inconspicuously, you understand? Just drop by with my car, because if this place is left we will soon see if they are there." I explained. Alec leaned back and rubbed his hair. He didn't really seem to like this idea, but did we have a choice? We had to find out where they were.

"Well, I think that's a good idea." put in Blake. That seemed to surprise not only me, but also Alec. Blake didn't agree with me very often. "We're not going to get close. Nobody will discover us. Who knows, maybe we won't even find anything." he explained. That's exactly what I mean. Alec sighed again, but then nodded.

"Good, but be careful and don't come up with any stupid ideas!" he said and Blake and I nodded almost simultaneously. It was like Alec was the father who just allowed us to play in the garden. Well, he was the leader, he was allowed to make the decisions. He just wanted to protect us.

"Perfect, we'll leave after breakfast." I said. It was always very exciting, but not in a good way. I was often nervous and was constantly worried about my friends. Something could happen all the time. It was mental stress that each of us had to endure.

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