Must be someone special.

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Alec's POV
I lay in my bed and stared at the ceiling. Well, it's actually not my bed. It doesn't feel that way. Everything around me was gray and cold. You felt lonely here. More lonely than I was already.

I didn't know how I managed to get myself into problems like that again. I was arrested in front of my friends. They had to watch the police put me in the police car and there was nothing they could do. I didn't want them to do anything. They shouldn't be dragged in here.

I saw the police coming. I knew they were coming because of me. I didn't know how they found me or why exactly, but I knew I was screwed. I wrote a message for Blake and Elliott as soon as possible. They shouldn't think that I just ran away. Also, they shouldn't find out about it in the news.

I told them not to come for me because it would probably cause them problems. They would consider them as accomplices. Accomplices in a murder that I did not commit. At least not directly. I also mentioned that I definitely don't want them to drag Magnus into all that. I knew they would have done it if I hadn't asked them to not do that.

Magnus is a cop, so he could help, but I didn't want that. It's been three years and he should live on with his life. He was over me, who knows, maybe he even forgot me. I saw him with a new girl. First, I was hurt but now I realized that he just did what I couldn't. He moved on and that's what I wanted. I didn't want to get him into trouble again. That is my business here.

I wanted to get out of here, but somehow I deserved to be here too. Maybe it's not that bad when I'm locked up. I've done bad things. I didn't murder this woman, but I'm definitely not innocent in all this. I also murdered Liam, so I actually am a murderer. So they're not all wrong.

"Shit, I'm hungry." my cellmate swore. I looked aside and saw that he was sitting on his bed staring at me. I looked away again. "You are a loner." he noted. Well, not really.

As far as I know his name is Hodge. Weird name if you ask me. However, I didn't talk to him very much. I didn't want to make friends here. I have no nerve for that. Also, I thought about Magnus all the time, so there wasn't much time to talk.

"No, actually I was always with my friends." I replied without looking at him. He giggled as if I had said something funny.

"So we have a gang member here." he said. He was right. "Oh, I was always alone, but you get bored here." he let me know. He looked like that. He seemed very unappealing to me, but the way he talks he could actually be nice. "So what's your gang called?" he asked with interest.

"I don't think that's your business." I replied ignorantly. He then sighed and leaned back. Who knows what he could do with this information. He could tell the police, and it wouldn't be too difficult for them to find out more about it.

"Why do I always get such boring cellmates?" he wondered. I grinned. That's what I call bad luck. I didn't know why he was here and I didn't want to ask. I didn't really care. "Don't be like that, we're going to spend a while here. Tell me about yourself." he asked me. I sighed. It was exhausting. How long has he been here?

"I don't have much to tell." I answered. It wasn't even a lie. What should I tell him? That I move around with my gang and do what criminals do? That we confront the troublemakers in the gang business?

"Oh, you can always tell something about yourself." he said. "Where are you from? Have you always lived in New Jersey?" he asked. As if he cared.

"I'm from New York, but I'm always somewhere else." I admitted. Actually I didn't want to tell anything about myself but he would probably never leave me alone. In addition, he can't do anything with personal information from me. There is nothing the police wouldn't know.

"New York, I thought so. That's how you look." he said. Should I see that as a compliment or not? I still didn't look at him because the ceiling was more interesting at the moment. "I've always lived here. It's really nice." he said. "What brings you to New Jersey?" he asked with interest. I smiled a little.

"Love." I replied succinctly. Sounds cheesy, but it was true.

"Love? That's romantic." he noted. "So where is she now?" he asked. He was probably working and if not then he was sleeping next to Celine, or who knows, maybe he's with this new girl. I often asked myself that. What is he doing right now? How is he doing right now? Does he think of me? Probably not anymore.

"I haven't talked to him in three years." I admitted and now looked at him. He seems surprised.

"He? This is surprising." he said. "But of course it's okay, I mean, I accept everyone." he said. Of course he did. "Three years and you still love him? Must be someone special." he let me know. Oh, yes, he was.

I thought of him every day. Not a day went by when I didn't think of him. No matter whether it was three years ago or not, because my feelings always remained the same. There was always only him and there would always be only him. Even if he fell in love again.

The picture that he had given me was always next to my bed. I looked at it every night. Oh, how much I missed him. I wished that he was lying next to me in my arms. I didn't want more. I often imagined what my life would be like if I had gone with him. I would have left Elliott and Blake behind, but no, his world wasn't my world.

"Yes, he is." I said and sighed. "But he moved on and that's all I wanted." I said. I was glad that he has his old life again. He was safe and that's the most important thing for me. As long as he's fine, I'm fine. Even when I'm in jail.

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