To us!

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„Wow, this dress looks amazing!" Magnus said, as he watched little Nava dancing around in the dress her mother made for her. It was pink with lots of glitter, just like Nava asked for.

„If you want, I can ask mommy if she makes you one too." Nava answered, which brought a big smile to Magnus' face. Alexander laughed because the thought of seeing Magnus in a dress like this seemed hilarious. „I would love that!" he let her know, so Nava immediately ran to Celine, which was coming outside with a bowl of salad in her hands.

Celine and Elliott invited everyone over for barbecue since it was a beautiful day in Tennessee. The sun was shining and it was even warm enough to swim in the pool.

It's been six years and a lot had changed. All of them moved to Tennessee, and had their own apartments. Alec lived with Magnus and Nilan and Joelle lived with Celine and Elliott at least the first few years. Now they have their own little apartment and their own jobs. Joelle works in a boutique, which seemed very fitting for her since she had a sense for fashion. Nilan is a waiter in an restaurant and he loves it.

Celine still works as an police officer and Elliott is a painter. He really likes that job, he didn't know he could ever do something like that but he's good. Alec started working in an dorm for kids with a troubled youth. They were all very skeptic in the beginning but they realized very soon that they couldn't find anyone better than Alec. He wants to help, he doesn't want to let other people making his mistakes.

Magnus now's a nursing assistant. He had to go back to school for a whole year but he likes to say that it was worth it every minute because he loves helping people, that never changed.

Elliott and Celine married like three years after everything happened and it was a magical wedding. It was on the beach and the party was huge. Even Celine's parents were there, which made her really happy.

There were luckily no complications during the rest of the pregnancy of Nava. The birth was wonderful, Alec and Magnus will never forget the call they got after the little girl was born. They were right about the girl and they kept the name Nava.

Alexander still talks to Isabelle and Jace which is awesome because he is now happier than he ever was. He had a lot of explaining to do for Izzy but now everything's okay.

The explosion was a big thing in the news, but they didn't seem to connect it with any sort of crime. They just assumed that it was a secret shelter for homeless people and there was a gas line that caused the explosion. That was very convenient for the group.

It took a while till everything seemed to be normal, lots of therapy and lots of time brought them to where they are right now but they're very happy and that's all that matters.

„Of course, Magnus would look amazing in this." Celine commented laughing as she answered Nava's question. Elliott rushed to her and took the bowl out of her hands. „You shouldn't be carrying heavy things!" he said as he put it down on the table. Celine looked at him with raised eyebrows.

„Babe, I'm pregnant, not dying. I'm able to carry a freaking bowl of salad." she stated, which made everyone laugh. Celine was pregnant again, she was already in month eight, which means it doesn't take long till Nava will have a little brother. They already know they'll call him Blake, which was very emotional for everyone but they thought it was a great memorial for the friend they lost. They still miss him every day.

„This is one of the heavy bowls though!" he said as he kissed her on the cheek, running back to his grill. „He's crazy." Celine whispered to us. „I heard that!" he said, causing everyone to laugh.

„So, Alec and Magnus, how's it going with the adoption?" Joelle wanted to know and both of them smiled. Right, Magnus and Alec were planning on adopting a kid, or two, depends on the circumstances.

„It's going great. Of course, we're waiting till next month after the wedding but the adoption agency said that after that, it won't be a problem." Magnus explained. Alec and Magnus got engaged two months ago. It was Alec who asked him to marry him. It was actually very spontaneous, they were looking at the stars and  talked about everything and their epic love story when Alexander suddenly said „Let's get married." Magnus was shocked at first but there was no way he would have said no.

„Ugh, I'm so excited for this wedding, you guys have no idea!" Celine said, after she sat down in front of them. They smiled and answered: „Us too."

„To us!" Nilan said with an class of orange juice in his hand. They didn't drink alcohol, since Celine wasn't able to drink any anyways. „To us!" said everyone as they clinked their glasses.

It's hard to believe that a gang, which used to live on the streets, doing lots of illegal things, is now sitting in the backyard doing barbecue. It's been an awful long and hard way, but it was worth to fight because now, they wouldn't want to miss one minute of this life.

Yooo, it's been a few months but I randomly decided to finish this story, Idek why. I'm happy how it ended, even though it broke my heart that Blake's not with them anymore. I hope you're all doing great!!
There probably won't be any new projects coming anymore so thank you so much for all the support you have shown me! Lots of love!❤️

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