I miss him too.

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Hello Hello! How are y'all doing? We're right now on the way to get our new dog and I am so excited! Two more weeks left until I start to work and therefore I have less time but I'll try me best! I hope y'all are fine. <3

In the late evening we were all in Blake, Elliott and Alec's apartment. It was fancier than what they had here three years ago. Still, it wasn't as luxurious as the one in New York, but you had everything you needed.

We sat around the table. I was sitting in an armchair, Elliott and Celine side by side on the sofa, and Blake was sitting in an ordinary chair. It was only now that we had the opportunity to find out more about the whole thing and talk, because we had to work before.

It was late now and I was pretty tired, but Alexander was more important. That couldn't wait until tomorrow. It felt weird to be back with Blake and Elliott. I always thought I would never see them again and now they were here asking for help. I always hoped they would come back, but not because Alec was arrested.

All I wanted was to get Alec out of there. I knew how things can go in prison and I didn't want Alec to be there. Yes, Alec had made many mistakes. He hurt people, but he wasn't a bad person. He didn't deserve it. Alec was tough, so I knew he wouldn't lose his mind, but I didn't want him to suffer. All I wanted was to have him with me. Even if it was only for a short moment.

"Why didn't you know about it?" Blake asked. "You work there, you have to know something like that." he explained. I shrugged my shoulders. Apparently not always.

"No, it's not just my police station. Probably someone else will take care of the case." I explained. "Still, I find it weird that no word was said about it. Usually we hear something after at least an hour. After all, we always work together." I let them know. Elliott put his arm around Celine and listened to me carefully.

"But then you can take care of it, right? I mean, you can just say he's innocent, right?" asked Elliott, confused. If only it were that easy. This would cost any policeman the job as soon as the truth came out, and it would come out if you did it without a plan. Not that Alec isn't worth it to me, but then I'll end up in prison too and he'll stay where he is.

"Magnus is not the head of this case. He may be able to help with an investigation, but in the end someone else will take care of it. Magnus can't do much except try to prove his innocence." Celine explained now. She was right. It won't be easy because I had no idea what had happened. No more than Blake and Elliott.

"First of all I have to find out who is leading this case. Maybe I can request a collaboration and then I'll be closer to it." I said. That would be good. There aren't very many police officers who would lead such a big case. I know four. Andrew Underhill, Victor Aldertree, Aline Penhallow and Lorenzo Ray.

"Okay, and is there anything we need to watch out for?" Blake asked. I considered. There were some things that would be important. We cannot make mistakes, because that would have fatal consequences for Celine, Alexander and me.

"You can't get in touch with Alec. This is important, because then the police will have an eye on you. That would be bad, because if they see us with you, everything would come out quickly." I said and the two nodded. I shouldn't see Alec either, because that would also be noticed. I would like to go to jail and visit him right away, but that would be stupid. I wouldn't risk that.

"We also have to make sure that this case doesn't get too popular. Alec would be portrayed as a cold-blooded murderer and that would destroy his life even if he gets out of there and proven innocent." Celine told us. Shit, she was right, but that could be difficult because the media gets to know about it pretty quickly.

"And how should we do that? It's not like I can control the media." stated Elliott. He was right. I thought carefully until I remembered that I recently had a date with someone who happened to work for New Jersey's most famous newspaper.

"We won't be able to stop the media from doing this, but I have an idea how we can reduce the damage. I will take care of it." I explained. That won't be as easy as you might imagine. After all, it's her job and that's a huge story. She actually needs this headline. It is also very suspicious if I just ask her not to publish it. I would have to come up with something.

"Can we do anything?" Blake asked. I sighed and leaned back.

"Unfortunately not. This is all police matters. It would be suspicious if you help. All you can do is try to find out what actually happened that night." I said. It wasn't going to be easy. I think this mission is going to be a lot more difficult than the one we were fighting against Liam because this time we were fighting against the police and they are a lot smarter than Liam was.

"Thank you, really." Elliott said now and Blake nodded. Well, that's it for today. We couldn't do more anyway. "You are welcome to stay here." said Elliott and smiled at Celine. Of course, whatelse, I thought. "Celine sleeps in my room and you sleep in Alec's room." he said. I nodded in satisfaction. I was more than satisfied.

Blake showed me Alec's room and I went inside. His familiar black sweater was still on the floor. I bent down and picked it up. I put it on the bed and continued to look around. It looked like a normal bedroom. Nothing unusual. However, my eyes stopped at the bedside table, because there was something that seemed familiar to me.

I came closer and saw that it was the picture that I had given Alec. It was still in the same frame and it stood there as it stood on my bedside table. I smiled sadly. He probably had never forgotten me either. I picked it up and sat on his bed.

"He always had it on his bedside table. No matter where we were." I heard Blake say. He was still standing at the door, leaning against the door frame. I looked up and smiled sadly. That meant a lot to me. "He missed you a lot." he let me know.

"I miss him too." I said. Blake sighed and I stroked Alec's face on the picture with my thumb.

"You know, I don't really like you, but I knew I could trust you." he said now. I smiled a little. That didn't seem to have changed either. "I know that he means as much to you as he does to us, even after three years. So you can stay in his room as long as you want." he said and I nodded. He was right there. He turned around, left the room and closed the door.

We had no clothes here and I didn't want to sleep in my uniform, to be honest. I got up, took off my clothes and put them carefully on a chair that was in the room. I took Alexander's sweater and pulled it over me to wear more than just boxershorts.

I lay down in his bed like that. His smell enveloped me and I breathed everything in. Oh god, how much I missed this smell. How much I miss him. Even if it's been three years, it feels like it was yesterday that he kissed me the last time.

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