It's not his fault, Iz.

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Hey, it's been a while but I got to write three chapters of this story yesterday. I still have some struggles with my on-going German Story but also working on that. I hope you ain't mad, there's just a lot I'm struggling with right now. I hope you're all fine!

We were all stressed out while we were in a taxi and on our way to see Isabelle. We didn't take our car because I didn't feel ready for it yet. Luckily that wasn't a problem for Alec, because I thought he had no nerve to take a taxi, but he cared that I was scared.

"What about Elliott and Celine?" Joelle wanted to know who was sitting next to me. Alexander replied, "Elliott will be there, but Celine is going home. We didn't want to put the baby in danger." The two of them had their first appointment at the gynecologist today and we didn't really want to disturb them, but when Alec left a message to Elliott, he wanted to come. The two said that the doctor's appointment was over anyway. That was good for us because if there were any problems we needed everyone.

It was clear to us all that Celine had to back off from now on. It was important that she and the baby were well because if anything would happen to them, we all couldn't forgive ourselves. Elliott and her would be a family and I felt like it was my duty to make sure that they will be safe for the rest of their lives. Maybe the others felt the same but I wasn't sure of that.

"How long have they been a thing?" Elliott's sister wanted to know and I thought back to when all this started. I remember Celine searching for me, after I told her I was so sad that Alec left me. I remember her getting along with Elliott until she told me that they were in love with each other. Back then I thought that this couldn't work out because those two were just too different but now I know that they couldn't be more perfect for each other. There was a future for them and I wished them all the best.

"It started a few years ago but there was a break in between," Blake explained from the front seat, not looking back. "Listen, everyone knows that you don't really appreciate the relationship between them but believe me when I say, that I have never seen your brother as happy as he is right now, knowing he is going to be a father. Elliott loves Celine with all he has and he loves the child, so please, don't try to ruin that." he pleaded which surprised me but made me smile a little. Blake cared, he cared a lot about all of us, even me, even though it's hard to believe that sometimes.

Joelle sighed and shrugged her shoulders. At some point, I could understand why she felt the way she did. Joelle probably felt neglected, alone or even threatened by Celine. Imagine your mother died and all you have left is your brother who you thought left you alone for all those horrible years. She felt so lost that she felt the need to join this miserable gang who treated her like she was nothing, like she didn't matter but I guess she was just glad she had someone who at least gave her a little bit of affection, even though it was all just lies. Joelle was young, she couldn't know.

Now that she has her brother back, finding out he is already in a happy relationship, soon to be a father, she is jealous. Who could blame her for this after all? We just need a little more patience with her, that's all. She is not a bad person, she is not a little brat. No, she is human, like all of us are, just a little broken.

The ride passed quickly, I noticed that, when the car stopped and the taxi driver told us to get out. We were in front of a nice small sushi restaurant who was simply called "mysushi". Not a really creative name if you ask me but whatever. After paying the taxi driver, we saw Elliott already standing in front of the restaurant, waiting for us.

He came up to us, seeming pretty worried: "Guys, we might have a problem. I feel like I have been watched," Elliott brooded whereupon we looked around to see if anyone was around here but there was absolutely no one. All I could see was a big wood right next to us and two small streets, leading back into the center of the city but going different ways. Also a small parking lot with a few cars but no one was inside of one. "I-I'm not completely sure but I think I saw a guy with a grey hoodie and blonde hair in front of the doctor and later on in the car behind me." he let us know.

"Where did the car go? Did you have an eye on it?" Alexander wanted to know but he shrugged. It must be hard to keep an eye on one car all the time and also trying not to seem to suspicious. "No, at some point I lost it. It wasn't here though, so for the moment, we're safe.. I hope at least." Elliott explained to us. No one was quite sure if this makes everything just way worse because know there might be danger without us even knowing.

In that moment another car pulled up and parked in this little parking lot and after two people got out of it, we saw that it was Isabelle and James, her boyfriend. James had no idea that it was his brother that was causing all this drama and all this pain everyone has to go through but I am pretty sure it was better this way. He seemed to be okay with not knowing his brother, after all he had done.

"Alec, god I missed you!" Alexander's twin sister said, after she ran up to him to pull him right into a hug. All I could hear was Alec sighing. He was probably glad to see his sister but then again, it makes things just way more complicated. Keeping people safe was our main job in all this but the more people we have to protect, the harder it gets. "Why haven't you called me? Especially you, Magnus! I thought I could count on you?" Izzy ranted and I couldn't even blame her. If she would have talked to Alexander before and wouldn't have told me, I'd be mad too.

"It's not his fault, Iz. I didn't want him to tell anyone in order to keep you safe." Alec explained to her but she didn't really seem to understand since she frowned. She backed off, crossed her arms and hissed: "You say that all the time! 'I got to keep you safe.' What the fuck do you even mean by that? Safe from what? Are you in the mafia or what? If you have any problems, you know you can ask me for help!" Alexander shook his head sighing, looking down at the floor. I wondered if he would tell her the truth or not.

"These aren't problems you could help me with. We are getting haunted by a gang and we live in constant fear of dying and if you believe it or not but we have to kill the leader to finally go back to a normal life." he complained, but Isabelle just started to giggle. Why did she laugh, I wondered.

"Oh come on, now you're making this up." she smiled. "Isabelle! You don't understand! None of this is made up, it's fucking reality and all you do is putting yourself in danger, so stop making fun of it!" Alexander snapped loud, which made Isabelle wince. She probably wouldn't have expected her brother going this hard on her.

"You're serious?" she asked carefully, whereupon Alec sighed and all of us nodded. "Oh my god, there must be a way I could help, right? I-I mean James and I could help you get you out of there!" Isabelle said but Alec just shook his head. There was no way she could help us, not even James, even though he had a relationship with Liam. There was no one that could help us.

"I just want you to leave and I don't mean that in a rude way. I want you to go home and stay safe. I want you to live your life till we have all of this fixed and after that I will be with you, believe me." he begged his twin sister. It was hard to tell someone to stay away from them in order to keep them safe, while all they want was to be close to them. It reminded me of the time I had to lie to Celine so I could keep her out of all this.

Isabelle had tears in her eyes. You could that she felt heartbroken and hopelles: "B-But... I can't just leave you alone. There must be something I could do, I-"

"Guys, look!" Elliott exclaimed, pointing to one of the two streets. We could see a few cars coming up and at first it didn't seem like something until I saw the blonde guy in the grey sweater sitting in one. In addition, I could recognice a few people from three years ago and now we knew we were fucked.

Alexander grabbed Isabelle by her shoulders: "Izzy, listen! You and James are getting back into your car. Take the other street and drive anywhere, where it's safe, you get me? Don't come back, I'll call you when we made it home safely!" he begged her to and without hesitating, she nodded, turned to James and both of them ran back to their car. Time was short and the cars were getting closer.

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